United Auto Workers Union Negotiations with Ford Motor Hindered by Future EV Battery Plants: CEO Jim Farley

by time news

Title: Ford CEO Accuses United Auto Workers of Hindering Negotiations Over EV Battery Plants

Subtitle: Union expands strikes to two additional assembly plants, drawing criticism from Ford CEO

Date: September 26, 2023

Members of the United Auto Workers union have taken to the picket lines outside the Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, Michigan, as negotiations with automakers escalate. However, it is the issue of future electric vehicle (EV) battery plants that appears to be causing the most significant contention.

Ford CEO Jim Farley expressed his frustration on Friday, claiming that the UAW is obstructing negotiations with Ford Motor over the establishment of EV battery plants. While compromise on pay and benefits seemed attainable, Farley contends that the UAW is “holding the deal hostage” by making the battery plants a non-negotiable demand. This statement came after the UAW announced their decision to expand strikes to not only Ford but also General Motors.

Farley further criticized the UAW for employing targeted strikes, suggesting that the actions were premeditated and insinuating that the union had little intention of reaching an agreement before the September 14 deadline.

The significance of the battery plants cannot be overstated, as they represent a pivotal component of the automotive industry’s future. They are expected to generate significant job opportunities and are central to President Joe Biden’s aim to bolster domestic manufacturing.

Previous and current union leaders have emphasized the crucial role of battery plants in ensuring the long-term viability of the union, regardless of whether they are directly addressed in the national agreement. However, these plants often present a challenge as many of the announced facilities are joint ventures, rendering their inclusion in the ongoing negotiations legally complex.

The situation between the UAW and automakers, including Ford Motor, remains fluid. Additional updates can be expected as the developments unfold.

Please stay tuned for more information on this developing story.

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