Pastor of the Assembly criticizes lack of ‘biblical exposition’ in the church

by time news

2023-09-29 20:20:46

Christian preaching has several purposes, such as edification, teaching and conversion, but for this there needs to be biblical exposition, which means reading and explaining the texts of the Bible to the public, something that was demanded by the renowned pastor and theologian of the Church Assembly of God, Ciro Sanches Zibordi.

For Zibordi, there is a lack of biblical exposition in the Assembly of God. The pastor criticized what, for him, is the use of “a lot of shouting” and “juggling”, as well as “sound phrases”, instead of preaching focused on the Scriptures.

Through social media, the assembly leader, who also has several books published, cited the passage from 2 Timothy 4.1,2 to substantiate his position, implying that his objective is to exhort the leaders of his denomination, and not to depreciate them. .

“I am not a supporter of Calvinism, cessationism and amillennialism. Not even! I am Pentecostal and consider myself a ‘root assemblyman’. But the way my Presbyterian brethren approach preaching, reading and explaining the Scriptures, is better than I have seen lately in my denomination,” Zibordi wrote.

“With rare exceptions, there is a lot of shouting, juggling, catch phrases, auditorium entertainment, exhibitionism and almost no biblical exposition”, added the pastor.


After Pastor Zibordi’s publication, many of the religious’s followers debated the issue in the comments, where several agreed with his words and also demanded a better approach to the Bible in assembly preaching.

“Unfortunately, we began to measure the success of preaching by audience feedback, using the criterion of emotion”, pointed out an internet user. “We forget that a good messenger is not the one who encourages the recipient, but the one who faithfully delivers the message, according to what the sender wants to communicate.”

“I am a root Assemblyman, but I prefer the way of teaching of the Baptist and Presbyterian brothers”, commented another follower. “I appeal to us to preach with less emotion and more reason and exposition of the Word.”

Another follower of Zibordi pointed out the allegedly exaggerated use of music and opportunities during services, which would be damaging the biblical exposition time. “I am dedicated to looking for a church that prioritizes (in content and time) the preaching and teaching of the Bible in the meeting”, said the internet user. check out:

#Pastor #Assembly #criticizes #lack #biblical #exposition #church

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