In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 13 January: Ema: “Stop the calls every two or three months”

by time news


“Without molecular you cannot enter”. So Alessia lost her baby

Rejected by the ER, then bleeding into the parking lot

Quirinal Dream

B. “divisive” also on the right. But he is aiming for the vote of 27

The other “plan B” – On the eve of the summit, the Lega and Toti send two pizzini to Silvio, who, however, does not give up: the fourth call is decisive

Palamara case

Right, Iv, Pd-LeU against the CSM. Here is the shield to Renziano Ferri

No of the House to wiretapping


Ristori, postponed (and restricted) the dl Support for businesses

On the table – Dowry dropped to 1 billion, the Cig covid in the balance

Poor Italy

Gallery of Horrors. Artistic assets make the spot for sponsors

The abuse – From Florence to Rome, the “brands” take the art


“Blocked, undressed and raped by the herd in Piazza Duomo”

Two stops for New Year’s events: they are 19 and 21 years old

University of Cassino

De Luca jr. becomes prof, teacher leaves the Democratic Party. “Never seen in the University. It is political malpractice “

“Not even the Gava family”, recalls the 47-year-old constitutional professor Marco Plutino, six years ago in the front row in the committees for the Yes in the referendum on the Renzi-Boschi reforms, managed to get father and son to participate in the elections for the President of the Republic. The De Luca family, Vincenzo (the father president of Campania) and […]

Berlusconi at the Quirinale? No thank you

Goodbye Renzusconi, the ghosts of the massacres and the grillino nightmare

Thirty-third episode. End of the Empire – Silvio & Matteo betrothed to the Rosatellum, but the Italians cut them in half. Wins the M5S and the judges regain courage


The red Brambilla is back: on the pitch to get votes between M5S and Misto

Blue doves – The “team” of BE scouting


Fraud, “redo the Mediaset trial”: Berlusconi has not lost hope

Court of Appeal – The instance entrusted to a section that will have to decide. And the ECHR hearing is awaited


The Lombard “trick”. The positives in the hospital are many more

The circular to avoid color changes

He folder

Because the recall race is under fire

Vaccination strategies: Europe in the mirror – “We cannot give boosters every three months, we are without data,” says the European Medicines Agency. Here’s how Pfizer got a free hand

I dubbi

“Risk of immune paralysis with close doses”

Scientists – Possible hyper stimulation

The “Hera” project

Bluff of 30 mln the EU incubator to develop home made serums

In a tweet of February 17, 2021, the Commission presents the new Hera incubator: “We must keep up with the threat of new Coronavirus variants. Our goal is clear: to be prepared to rapidly produce effective vaccines against these variants on a large scale ”. Under the initiative, the Commission is funding new research projects to accelerate […]

Sala gaffe on Tg1

“The rapists? I’m from out of town “

Storm on social media: “Security is not guaranteed in the center”

The global agency

Gas hostage to Russian strategy

The AIE – “The price increases due to supplies”. Italy is studying a tax on extra profits

To the room

Lobby reads, historic ok arrives. But the text has lost pieces

Yesterday the go-ahead from the Chamber of the Chamber to the bill on the regulation of lobbies arrived. The text, approved in Montecitorio with 339 votes in favor, no against and 42 abstentions between FdI and Alternative, now goes to the Senate. A sweaty approval and of great compromise after months of discussion to file and get to […]

The leaders in the House

Ita halves the expected revenues. The goal is just to sell it

Ita Airways has closed the first two and a half months of life with revenues 50% lower than the forecasts of the industrial plan. The president and the managing director Alfredo Altavilla and Fabio Lazzerini said yesterday at the hearing in the Chamber, without saying what the loss of the company was. Among the causes […]

“Loggia Hungary”

Minutes Amara, summit between Milan-Perugia pm

An “interlocutory meeting of investigative coordination”. Long summit yesterday in the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Milan between the Milanese prosecutors and those from Perugia who investigate the alleged ‘Loggia Hungary’ starting from the minutes of the former external lawyer of Eni Piero Amara, made in the Lombard capital as part of the investigation into the so-called “false Eni conspiracy “, between December 2019 and January 2020. Have […]

Appointments, storm

Slap Mef in Gualtieri on Eur. Bettini is furious

Controversy between the government and the Roman Democratic Party on Eur Spa, the body that manages the valuable assets of the rationalist quadrant of Rome. Eur Spa belongs 90% to Mef and 10% to Roma Capitale. Roberto Gualtieri as minister appointed the former municipal councilor dem Antonio Rosati as managing director and now, from […]

18 year old disappeared in Emilia

Saman, uncle extradited in 10 days: Paris ok

Danish Hasnain, uncle of Saman Abbas, accused of the murder of the young Italian-Pakistani woman who disappeared from Novellara (Reggio Emilia) on 30 April last, will be taken to Italy within ten days. On Wednesday, the man declared that he did not want to oppose his extradition and today the “Chambre de l’Instruction” of the Court of Appeal in Paris took note of the decision. Hasnain […]

Court of Auditors

Torino 2006 games, 17 million seized: “Plants in ruins”

Maintenance-free post-Olympic facilities are detrimental to public assets. Thus the Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors of Turin investigates the management of the structures built for the 2006 Winter Olympics and, before starting a possible trial, obtained a “conservative” seizure of about 17.5 million euros against the top management […]

Puglia, manager arrested

“He revealed the bugs”, investigated a journalist

“The decree that laid down the matter that a manaccia gave it to me … he made me read it … he arranged it here … and I didn’t quite understand where else … what other room … boh”. These are the words with which, according to the Bari Public Prosecutor’s Office, the journalist Nico Lorusso, editor of the press service of the Puglia regional government, would have revealed […]

He was sentenced to 16 years

Scala Turchi, the vandal attempted massacre in the subway

Domenico Quaranta, the painter from Agrigento, is the author of the “wound” at the Scala dei Turchi. The man, together with Francesco Geraci, is accused of damaging assets having landscape value, for having thrown red plaster dust into the white marl of the Realmonte cliff. It is not the first time, for Forty. In 2002, he detonated a gas cylinder […]

Asaps: “Changing standards”

Scooters, the report: “14 victims and 150 injured”

The man who died Tuesday evening in an accident in Meldola (Forlì-Cesena) was 45 years old. He is the fourteenth person to lose his life on a scooter, the first in 2022, according to the Asaps Observatory, the Polstrada supporters association. Lombardy and Lazio are the regions with the highest number of accidents, 150 seriously injured. “Absolutely not very high numbers – he explained […]

The sports agent

Raiola hospitalized at S. Raffaele: “Scheduled intervention”

Delicate hours for Mino Raiola. The well-known sports attorney, 54, is hospitalized at the San Raffaele in Milan where he underwent surgery. Alberto Zangrillo, head of the Milanese hospital and president of Genoa, confirms: “The surgery had been planned for some time”. Raiola, 54, will remain under observation. Yesterday afternoon a tweet from the profile […]

Happy ending

The wheelchair of the Roman actor Rodolfo Laganà was found: “Thank you all!”

“Dear friends have found it!”. Actor Rodolfo Laganà announced on Facebook the discovery of his wheelchair, which he had reported stolen last Sunday. Laganà, who in 2015 said he fell ill with multiple sclerosis, had left the wheelchair in the hall of his building, never finding it the following morning.

Challenge on the high hill

B. for president? No thanks, but …

For the good of Italy – I am torn: I almost hope that B.’s nightmare at the Quirinale will come true. It reveals to the whole world, and in particular to Europe, what our country has really become

The Duke of York

Epstein case, Prince Andrew on trial in the US: “He raped a 17-year-old girl”

He will no longer be able to shut up. The Manhattan Court has said no to the request for dismissal: the civil case against Prince Andrew, son of Elizabeth, can go ahead. The Duke of York will be able to end up in the dock for the accusations of sexual abuse made for some time by Virginia Giuffre, now 38 years old. The girl, […]


Johnson’s fate decided by Lady Ethics, a powerful unknown

On the Covid Party in Downing Street he investigates Sue Gray, a shadowless official for some. But not everyone agrees

In the BoJo Chamber, the Labor Party apologizes: “The Prime Minister is at the end of the race”

During a question time that could mark his demise as prime minister, Boris Johnson finally admitted yesterday that he attended the party organized in the Downing Street garden on May 20, 2020, when the lockdown rules – imposed by his own government – they forbade it: in front of a Chamber […]

Manfredi and Lena

“Let’s mend the films of Dakar, the Cannes of Africa in the 60s”

The Italian researchers who restore the archive of Senegalese cinema

The anniversary

Passage to India: Pasolini, Moravia, Morante and lovers

Sixty years ago the reports of the two writers came out: “Ideas”, “smells” and gossip from the poor continent, in the company of Elsa and her whims

“Country you go”

“The Scythians do not have sex, the southerners are fearful and the Thebans fat for the air”: author’s clichés

Stereotypes about peoples and customs

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