Tree collapse injures four people at market in Ale: Updates and risks of further collapse

by time news

Updated 13:57 | Posted 12:37 p.m

Four People Injured After Tree Collapses on Market in Ale

A market in Ale turned into a scene of chaos and panic as a large old tree fell, injuring four people, including a small child. The incident occurred at Kilanda estate and prompted an immediate response from emergency services and the police.

Lars Larsson from the rescue service’s command center stated, “It has happened in connection with a market, so there have been quite a few people.” The initial information suggests that two of the injured individuals have been taken to the hospital by ambulance.

Caroline Karlsson, a spokesperson for the police, emphasized the potential danger, stating, “There must be a risk that two more trees could fall, and therefore barriers have been set up around them.” This precautionary measure aims to ensure the safety of those in the vicinity and prevent further injuries.

The incident unfolded at noon when the tree collapsed, with more than 1,300 people present at the market, according to the police. Photographer Christer Grändevik described the fallen tree as “very old, probably several hundred years old, in the middle of a farm.”

Due to the emergency services’ assessment of potential risks, the police report that there is a possibility of additional trees falling. Karlsson further reiterated, “There must be a risk that two more trees could fall, and therefore barriers have been set up around them.”

Although four people were injured, fortunately, no one suffered serious harm. Karlsson acknowledged, “No one was seriously injured, apart from a number of fractures,” adding that the situation could have been far worse.

Eyewitnesses revealed that the injured individuals were having coffee beneath the tree when it suddenly collapsed. “But it could have gone really badly; they were lucky anyway,” Karlsson said, highlighting the fortunate outcome of the incident.

As the authorities continue to investigate the incident, it serves as a reminder of the importance of regular inspections and maintenance of trees to prevent such accidents in the future.

(Image: Christer Grändevik)

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