Summary of operational activities in Armenia/Azerbaijan: evacuations of weapons casualties reinforce humanitarian response

by time news

2023-09-22 18:30:00

Despite the cessation of hostilities declared on September 20, the humanitarian consequences of the military escalation continue to be felt throughout the region. There are displaced communities, families whose members have lost contact, and information indicates that people injured during hostilities still require assistance.

On 18 September, the ICRC organized, for the first time, a simultaneous delivery of much-needed shipments of wheat flour and essential medical items through the Lachin corridor and the Agdam highway. Following this operation, the ICRC has delivered the following aid as part of its humanitarian activities:

medical supplies to civil and military hospitals, including new donations on Friday; 28,000 diapers for children this week; 200 warm blankets to a shelter for internally displaced people; 1,000 liters of diesel to the main medical center to be used in generators and ensure their operational capacity ;500 liters of diesel to the water company that supplies the most populated area to power the generators that provide water in the city.

ICRC teams have also started registering people looking for unaccompanied children or those who have lost contact with their loved ones. Residents have also asked the ICRC for help in evacuating the bodies of deceased relatives.

The humanitarian situation in the region has worsened in recent months due to the limited capacity to deliver assistance to areas in need. Basic products have been difficult to obtain, and access to health services has been extremely limited.

The ICRC plans to increase its emergency response and has entered into negotiations regarding the delivery of food and hygiene items with decision-makers.

About the ICRC

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a neutral, impartial and independent organization with an exclusively humanitarian mission established in the Geneva Conventions of 1949. It helps people affected by armed conflicts and other situations of violence around the world, doing everything possible to protect their lives and dignity, and to alleviate their suffering, often together with their Red Cross and Red Crescent partners.

Media Contact:
Jason Straziuso, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 79 949 3512 o [email protected]

#Summary #operational #activities #ArmeniaAzerbaijan #evacuations #weapons #casualties #reinforce #humanitarian #response

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