4 Things Parents Can Do to Prevent Teen Suicide

by time news

2023-09-30 19:30:20

Suicide in adolescents is, unfortunately, increasingly common. It is essential for parents to know when temperament changes become worrying. Parents can help teenagers. If you want to know what factors increase the risk of suicide at this age, below we will tell you some of the things to look out for.

Always listen to your child to prevent suicide

Keep in mind that even if you ask your child how they are, they may be silent at first but actions can speak louder than words. Watch for important changes in your child’s sleep patterns, social activities, and appetite. If your child begins to self-isolate he may indicate serious difficulties.

Never believe that a suicide threat is a melodrama

Many parents believe that their children are exaggerating or playing when they say expressions like the following:

“I want to die”. “Nothing matters”. “Everyone would be better off without me.” “You wouldn’t have to worry about me much longer.”

Keep in mind that many children who attempt suicide usually communicate this to their parents in advance, although their words are not usually taken into account and these only indicate an urgent need for help since their mental health He is not feeling well.

Empathy and understanding

If your child talks or writes about suicide, he or she may feel hurt, shocked, or angry. These are all natural and valid feelings but it is essential that you focus on your child’s needs first and foremost. The most important thing for you, as a parent, will be to create a safe space where your teenager can trust you to listen and express his concern but without judging or blaming.

Immediate professional help

If you see signs of suicidal thoughts but do not feel an immediate crisis, it is important to take action and contact your pediatrician or local mental health provider who treats children and adolescents. Explain what you are seeing and hearing and schedule a mental health evaluation.

#Parents #Prevent #Teen #Suicide

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