New Vaginal Rings Offer HIV Protection: South Africa Leads the Way

by time news

2023-09-29 14:12:42
New Product to Fight HIV Infections Begins Distribution in South Africa

The fight against HIV infections takes a significant step forward as a new product is introduced in South Africa. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria announced on Friday in Geneva that three local organizations in South Africa will distribute vaginal rings to women for protection against the virus. With financial support from the Global Fund, 16,000 units of the product have been ordered.

This development marks a new era in HIV prevention, according to the Global Fund. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the use of the vaginal ring in 2021. Studies have shown that women who used the ring experienced up to a 35 percent decrease in HIV infections. Two extension studies indicated even greater effectiveness. Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands expressed his optimism, expecting a “revolutionary impact” on HIV prevention. He also encouraged other countries to follow South Africa’s example. Some countries in southern Africa have already approved the use of the ring.

Made of silicone, the ring is inserted into the vagina and releases the antiretroviral drug dapivirine over a period of 28 days. After a month, the ring needs to be changed. This discreet method of protection offers an alternative to the daily medication regimen for preventing HIV infections. Many women find it challenging to adhere to daily medication for various reasons. While condoms can also prevent infections, the decision to use them often lies with men. “We need to give women more control over their health and their bodies,” said Ntombenhle Mkhize, head of the AIDS Foundation of South Africa.

South Africa, the country most severely affected by HIV, currently has nearly eight million people living with the virus. In 2022, it recorded the highest number of new HIV infections globally, with over 160,000 cases. The introduction of the vaginal ring offers hope for reducing these alarming statistics and empowering women in the fight against HIV.

The distribution of the new product marks a significant milestone in HIV prevention efforts, showcasing the potential for innovative solutions to combat the virus. As South Africa leads the way, other countries are expected to follow suit, bringing us closer to a world free from the threat of HIV infections.]
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