ADAF: “We have denounced Health for its inactivity in the face of the serious damage caused by the drug Nolotil”

by time news

2023-10-01 13:17:58

Cristina García del Campo is the creator of the Association of People Affected by Drugs (ADAF). She discovered that the best-selling drug in Spain, and banned in many countries, Nolotil, is killing and causing serious consequences. I interview her due to the complaint she has made to Health for not acting to protect the population from this medication.

-Greetings Cristina, how did you learn about the serious health problems that many drugs can cause?

I am a medical translator and it all started when, translating in a hospital for an Irish patient, he died very suddenly due to a creepy infection. I started researching and found many other cases of British people who had suffered the same, or similar, effects and they all had one thing in common: had taken Nolotil (metamizole).

This medicine had lowered their defenses in such a way that they had taken infections they couldn’t fight. I decided to create the Association of People Affected by Drugs (ADAF). Through it I have been receiving cases of people affected by this and other drugs, all prescribed by doctors and among the best sellers in Spain. This is a very, very serious problem that I think many people are not aware of.

-Can you give an example of those damages that you have known about?

Cristina García del Campo

I have documented hundreds of cases of people affected by Nolotil (metamizole), including deathsamputations and lifelong consequences.

On the other hand, a psychologist and counselor from an institute in Valencia recently contacted me because she felt very concerned about the number of children who are being diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and are prescribed!amphetamines as star drug!

I spoke about this topic with a doctor I often work with and he told me that there are many children overdiagnosed and overtreated and that this is a very serious problem of our civilization.

Another thing that I find alarming is that, lately, I have been receiving cases of people who are seriously ill. affected after taking anxiolytics and antidepressants. They tell me that their life is ruined due to the emotional flattening they now suffer; They are incapable of feeling or expressing emotions, they cannot cry, they don’t feel pleasure in anythingthey feel total apathy and indifference towards everything and their sex life has been destroyed.

All of this destroys relationships and lives and, in many cases, they feel that they would like to end your life. It is surprising that, in many cases, these medications are prescribed as if they were sweets, even if you don’t have depression or anxiety.

The worst thing is that our country occupies the second position in the world in the legal consumption of these medications, so the situation looks really bad and it is essential that we do something about it.

On the other hand, there are statins (the cholesterol pills), that have terrible side effects and many doctors practically force you to take them either because they are poorly advised or because of their own interests.

-What is, from your point of view, the origin of this problem?

To begin with, in many cases, doctors lack sufficient training regarding medications, or receive such training from sources with interests.

Then there is that many doctors do not have time to examine patients, so it is easier for them prescribe a pain reliever or an antidepressant or anxiolytic so that the patient is calm and that’s it.

Sometimes, they do not even have time to read the patient’s history and prescribe medications without having looked at essential information in the history.

On the one hand, there are patients who feel pressured by doctors to take medications. There are many doctors with interests. It is essential that healthcare professionals receive more training regarding medications and that this training does not come from the pharmaceutical industry.

On the other hand, sometimes the patient is responsible for this situation, since he considers that a doctor is not a good doctor if he does not prescribe medication, so doctors also feel pressured to prescribe drugs.

-What are health authorities doing to prevent it??

The truth is that I do not know. I have reported hundreds of cases of damage from Nolotil to the Medicines Agency and have contacted them on numerous occasions and, apart from an Information Note they issued 5 years ago and which leaves much to be desired, they have not done anything nothing regarding my requests.

I cannot understand how they can withdraw a deodorant due to the risk of cysts in the armpits after having received 4 notifications and not withdraw a medication like Nolotil (metamizole), which is banned in nearly 40 countries for causing agranulocitosis (which carries danger of death).

They know that this medication has caused deaths, amputations and hundreds of people affected with very serious consequences. And it’s not only that, it’s that This is the best-selling medicine in Spain and during the pandemic They included it in the list of essential medicines!

-When and with what objective did you create the Association of People Affected by Drugs (ADAF)?

I created ADAF in November 2018 with the objective of raise awareness and do justicestarting with Nolotil cases, but with the idea of ​​covering any case of those affected by drugs. At that time, he did not know the seriousness of the situation regarding medical devices, their effects, misinformation, the interests of the pharmaceutical industry, etc.

Despite everything that was published in the newspapers at that time, I did not file a lawsuit. As I began to put it in the hands of a law firm, I saw a lack of transparency on the part of said firm that worried me and I decided not to continue with them.

Then the pandemic arrived, the Secretary of the Association died and, well, I had to form a new team and look for another law firm but it was worth it because now I have the right equipment. This is a law firm called Almodóvar & Jara buffetwho specializes in health and pharmaceutical law, adverse reactions to medications and medical negligence and I have many projects that I am going to carry out with them.

-With ADAF you are taking legal actions such as the complaint you recently made to Health. Can you explain to us what this complaint consists of? Are there other legal actions in the pipeline?

This is a complaint for violation of fundamental rights. We have reported to Health for its inactivity in the face of the serious damage caused by the drug Nolotil. They had 20 days to respond to us and they didn’t, for a change, so now we will proceed to undertake legal actions against Health.

Patients’ rights are being violated; They are not examined before prescribing said drug; they are not properly informed; they are not followed up; it is given to them against their will; When they reject it, there are doctors who get angry and refuse to give them another medication, that is, patients are pressured and penalized.

Health knows all this and refuses to do anything about it, so we will take it to the Courts and wherever necessary. Furthermore, we are preparing a collective demand against Boehringer Ingelheimmanufacturer of Nolotil.

-In order to finance the Association and these legal works, you are carrying out a fundraising campaign. What is it and how can those reading this help?

That’s right, ADAF is a non-profit association, but we need funds to be able to function. Our work is of utmost importance both to protect public health now and in the future, and to ensure Justice.

All the information is on our websiteand on our page GoFundme fundraising. Many thanks to those who want to help us.

#ADAF #denounced #Health #inactivity #face #damage #caused #drug #Nolotil

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