SSa presents self-care guide for sex workers

by time news

2023-10-01 21:17:43

Currently there are 360 ​​thousand people living with HIV in Mexico, of which 76 thousand are women.
Among the country’s sex workers, it is estimated that 75% are cisgender women; 20% are transgender people and 5% are men.
The objective of this new manual is to prevent sexually transmitted infections, avoid discrimination and promote respect for human rights.

The Ministry of Health, through the National Center for the Prevention and Control of HIV and AIDS (Censida), presented the Health self-care manual for sex workers. The purpose of strengthening measures to prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other infections, as well as avoiding discrimination and promoting human rights.

During the presentation of the manual, the general director of Censida, Alethse de la Torre Rosas, reported that the document summarizes the more pressing self-care actions in people who engage in sex work.


He indicated that, through the manual, he is guided and informed about the right to medical care and respect for his human rights for his physical, mental and social well-being.

Main myths and misconceptions about HIV: Half of people think it is synonymous with AIDS

He emphasized that it is necessary to recognize people who carry out sex work, protect their human rights, not leave them behind and confront the fight against the HIV pandemic, stigma and discrimination.

The head of the general directorate of the Coordination of the National Institutes of Health and High Specialty Hospitals (CCINSHAE), Carla del Carmen Toledo Salinas, pointed out that the government’s responsibility is to guarantee access to safe and fair health services.

In this sense, sex workers They have the right to regular access to medical and mental health services, screenings and sexuality education.

The representative of the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE), Jesús Gaytán Martínez, reported that, in Mexico, 360 thousand people live with HIV, of which 76 thousand are women. He added that the Health Self-Care Manual in Sex Work is focused on the promotion of human rights and health care, not only in terms of the prevention and treatment of STIs, but also diabetes, hypertension and overweight, among others.

End stigmas and discriminatory acts

The deputy director of Legislative Analysis of the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (Conapred), Luisa Paola Flores Rodríguez, recalled that sex workers are not exempt from suffering stigma, which results in the dehumanization and devaluation of the person, and even makes their rights invisible. human rights and living conditions.

The president of the Street Brigade to Support Women “Elisa Martínez”, Elvira Madrid Romero, explained that the manual exposes the work carried out by health promoters over the last 10 years, who have put into practice The most effective self-care initiatives are underway to prevent STIs, as well as health promotion actions in this field of work, such as screening tests.

He pointed out that sex work must be approached from a gender perspective. According to calculations, 75 percent of the people who carry out this activity are cisgender women; 20 percent are transgender people and five percent are men.

With this vision, he mentioned that in the community that practices sex work there is awareness about the importance of prevention and sexual health. However, the stigma and discrimination associated with their work continue to be a barrier to their access to comprehensive health care services.

Also read:

Main myths and misconceptions about HIV: Half of people think it is synonymous with AIDS

ISSSTE asks doctors to end discrimination based on sexual orientation

Psychiatric hospitals sign agreement to abolish sexual harassment: This is the new protocol against harassment

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