None of the candidates could hide that they are complicit with economic power

by time news

2023-10-02 03:28:48

The candidate for the Left Front Myriam Bregman opened the 2023 Presidential Debate and, during his presentation, hepaid to the IMF and politicianss the country’s economic crisis. Besides, defended the ESI and charged against the deniers.

“I am a lawyer, I am a socialist and I fight every day to transform this society. There is another way, don’t resign yourself. The workers are the vast majority: if we unite we have the strength to turn history around”Bregman began.

Regarding the economy, he indicated: “The crisis we are going through has those responsible: the IMF, the economic power and its politicians.”. “Today you will hear them make campaign promises and fight, but they are all involved. While they starve the people, they go on their luxury yachts to cruise around Europe.”he added, already introducing the controversy of Martín Insaurralde.

“We do not come to make campaign promises but rather fight proposals,” the candidate closed in her presentation.

Myriam Bregman’s proposal on economics

Bregman, who spoke in third place, indicated: “After listening to so much confusion, it is good to remember history: in ’89 we suffered the hyperinflation for doing what the IMF said, in 2001 the country fell into bankruptcy for saying what the bottom line said. In 2018 Macri brought it but“This Government and Massa subjected us.”

The candidate reviewed: “If we have 60% child poverty it was because we followed each and every one of their recipes.”. When the agreement was discussed we warned that it was inflationary and we were right. As if now we warn that if we follow the path, there is no way out if this illegal, illegitimate and fraudulent debt is unknown.”

Bregman debate 1-10

Along the same lines, he attacked the economic plan of Javier Mileiy said: “He appeared showing ideas that were novel, but we already know them. Cavallo applied them and they were a disaster.”

“Contrary to what he says To strengthen the currency, foreign trade must be nationalized and end the revolving door of dollars, there are, but what is left over are leakershe added.

“When money reaches you less and less, some like the banks and businessmen won like never before. We are the only political force independent of economic power, we have a comprehensive program so that this time the crisis is not paid for by the working people,” he concluded. .

ESI, the main axis of Myriam Bregman’s Education proposal

The candidate for the Left Front announced that they are going to “defend mandatory ESI, given that it was very useful to identify cases of abuse in girls, boys and adolescents. She also proposed that civil servants receive the same salary as teachers.

Beyond his proposals, he criticized the other candidates. First of all, he attacked Massa and ironicized about his maxim of “present state”: “He wants 8% in the budget and he can’t even meet the 6% that the law requires. He can’t even put in a stove.”

Regarding JxC she was specific and said that “they sank education”, while he analyzed Javier Milei’s voucher proposal and compared it with education in Chile, where he assured that this caused inequality and a “education for the poor and another for the rich.”

Myriam Bregman’s exhibition on Human Rights and citizen coexistence

The FIT candidate warned that “the right is always confronted.” “I am not going to naturalize the return of denialist ideas, much less that those who justify the dictatorship’s kidnappings and concentration camps talk about freedom,” she said.

“I take advantage of this place to say ‘not one step back,'” she said. The official considered defending “the right to protest”and he threw a stick at Patricia Bullrich, arguing that “although the Bullrichs are bothered by him going out into the streets.” “If we won rights it was because we went out to demonstrate and fight for them”hill.

Myriam Bregman’s withering response to Javier Milei

The La Libertad Avanza candidate asked him why he “believed in communism” if “it had not served anywhere in the world where it had been applied.” The national representative, without hesitation, responded: “I don’t know if Macri threw it at you from the bum’s corner, but it’s a lie.”

Bregman debate 1-10(2)

Myriam Bregman gave her opinion on the pickets and demonstrations

The FIT candidate took the question from Patricia Bullrich, who asked why she defends protests and blockades.

“No one goes out to protest because there is a lack of a hairdresser in the neighborhood, they protest because there are layoffs and closures. Since their party voted for the laws to the disastrous government of Alberto Fernández, they have to take to the streets because they cut back on disabilities and everywhere” , he concluded.

Myriam Bregman’s energetic response about a possible agreement with Máximo Kirchner

The FIT candidate responded openly to Juan Schiaretti about the possibility of an alleged agreement with Máximo Kirchner and commented: “That is false. Just as you voted for Macri, what you say is false.”

“Together for Change and the Schiaretti bloc voted for the main economic laws that led us to the disaster we are in: the budget, agreement with the IMF, 0 withholdings in automobile companies, benefits to Galperín… don’t come to me with clichés of Twitter”, he closed.

Myriam Bregman’s closing exhibition

“None of the candidates could hide that they are complicit with economic power, you know that we are not”he began, while adding: “This October 22, let’s show that there are many of us who do not want to continue paying the IMF with hunger of the people, that we do not want to continue losing, nor destroying the planet because there is no planet B. Do not resign yourself, Vote with your convictions.”

Finally, he responded to Milei about his controversial phrase about the Dictatorship and expressed: “There are 30 thousand and it was a genocide.”

#candidates #hide #complicit #economic #power

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