Keshet presents: Quick rehabilitation for the senior talent

by time news

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How do you turn a person who claims to have been sexually abused, into a person whose version is in doubt, and then into an abusive opportunist – and all this within a week? No problem, if you have the PR and whitewashing machine of Rainbow Broadcasting.

After the testimony of actor Yehuda Nahari in Walla about the professional meeting with Asi Ezer who became a mini-dominator on the news channels, and Ezer’s response to “kiss only” and “meeting friends” did not calm the spirits – a new card was drawn this week: a polygraph examination performed by Ezer , In which he came out telling the truth. Just like Nahari.

The test itself was problematic on the face of it: first of all the identity of the ordering party, as well as the fact that Ezer was asked about desires and intentions, which is not typical of a polygraph test. That is, Ezer was not asked whether he pulled his limb in front of Nahari as alleged against him (something he did not refer to at all in his original response), unless he pulled his limb against his will. Either way, the desired result – a draw – was obtained. A word from Nahari against Ezer. A big fog and mess around the whole affair, and the public will decide which version he buys.

But this is not really word for word. Ezer’s word, backed by the powerful media corporation in Israel, has much more power in the public than that of Nahari. While questions about the reliability of Ezer’s polygraph (e.g., of Assaf Lieberman here andAvishai Grinzig from Globes Who did not receive a full response to his questions), or a conversion question in a professional meeting even if it ends “only” with a kiss, remained on the fringes – support for the revised version of Azer, with the polygraph of a bow as an insurance policy – flooded the net. The bleaching and rapid restoration program is underway.

One by one she huddled A line of celebrities, Which on days as their repair go out for the victims and battered women, for cries for support in aid. Mako’s photographer was sent to an “unplanned” paparazzi photographer of Ezer leaving the house for the first time, which led to a complimenting item in Mako, in a tone of ‘here you see, the affair is almost behind him and behind us’.

But no rehabilitation would be complete without the most powerful war machine, which is Guy Pines’ plan. Today, a post appeared on the program page with a picture of Nahari and next to it the caption “First publication: the new role of Yehuda Nahari – the actor who made headlines last week will soon be photographed for the new series here 11” 50 Days of Siege “.

Let’s try to understand what this sentence means. Why is it urgent to suddenly announce in Guy Pines the new role that is not new at all, since Nahari got the role a few months ago? The fact that Nahari was selected for the position before the affair was not mentioned and the requested link was clear. The actor who “made headlines this week” (as hinted, on Ezer’s back) got a new role. How did I receive? Why did he receive? Complete on your own. The belligerent responses were not long in coming, in the words of dozens of respondents: “15 minutes of glory paid off beautifully”, “maybe now he will calm down” and “here he got what he wanted”. The story of “the actor who got a role due to the defamation of the senior talent” got a life of its own (later the post was corrected and the timing of the role was updated).

The belligerent reactions were not long in coming, in the words of dozens of respondents: “15 minutes of glory paid off beautifully”, “maybe now he will calm down”

This is not the first time that Keshet has taken care to rehabilitate its talents quickly, efficiently and by using all the tools and programs at its disposal. The most memorable case of all is of course that of Eyal Golan. Shortly after the revelation of the Potmobile affair and his and his father’s preoccupation with minors, Golan was removed from his jurisdiction in Keshet’s “Next Star” (hosted by Ezer). Very quickly he found his place back with “Eyal Golan Calls You” on Channel 24 which belongs to Keshet, and later on “Aviv O Eyal”.

All the way through, and even before the affair was exposed, Guy Pines’ program whitened and lightened Golan’s practice of dating young women under the age of 18, and gave him intense and pampering coverage. Pines claims that he criticizes Golan, but to be precise, it is worthwhile to keep track of the amount of items that accompany Golan in Mako and Pines, or to read Shira Meykin’s column in time under the headline “Guy Pines will stop being naive, it’s time to choose a side.”

Meikin wrote that a glance at the program page on the Mako website demonstrates the extent of the exclusive coverage that “Good Evening with Guy Pines” receives from the singer – 19 programs in total in the last six months. From “The Surprise of Eyal Golan” and “Eyal Golan is Renewable”, through “The Sulha of Eyal Golan” and “Eyal Golan Separate” to “Eyal Golan the Next Generation” and “Eyal answers to Ofira”. And there are dozens of posts dedicated to him on the show’s Instagram and Facebook accounts, in addition to almost daily mentions on the shows, even when his name is not included in the title.

The rapid rendering of the Nahari affair takes us back to those days. Based on the experience with Golan, and despite the huge differences between what is attributed to the two talents – should we expect intense and encouraging coverage soon? Will there be more hinting items coming up on Nahari soon, or anyone who dares to complain? In the small moves of the Keshet-Ezer-Ronen Moshe axis this week lies the deterrent and laundering power of Keshet’s media monopoly, which is supposed to scare any male or female complainant from touching the golden egg. The octopus arms of Keshet, with Pines and the news company, which also reportedly reported the affair, provide a quick and efficient rehabilitation service for well-preserved talents.

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