The mortality of tunas on the Murcian coasts

by time news

2023-10-02 01:36:17

ANSE y WWF have alerted the General Secretariat of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Department of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Region of Murcia about the appearance of specimens of bluefin tuna, in various states of decomposition, stranded on the shores of the Murcian coasts, creating alarm among bathers.

The organizations have asked the administrations to investigate the cause of these episodes of mortality of tuna specimens, and those responsible. Likewise, they have asked that they evaluate whether these events may constitute a crime, as reported by sources from environmental organizations.

Bluefin tuna specimens weighing between 150 and 200 kilos

The sailboat Else of ANSE found at least seven specimens of bluefin tuna weighing between 150 and 200 kilos in September on the outside of the aquaculture polygon San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia). Added to this sighting are countless publications on social networks from anonymous citizens who this summer have seen large-scale tuna carcasses arriving on the beach, they have recalled.

The eastern-Atlantic and Mediterranean population of bluefin tuna was severely overexploited at the beginning of the century. However, thanks to the recovery plan that the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) established in 2007, with a strong socio-economic impactit was fully recovered and the current maximum catch quota is the highest in history.

The distribution of fishing rights must be done by encouraging more social and environmental fishing, an element that has only been timidly applied in this fishery.

In turn, both Common Fisheries Policylike the new Sustainable Fishing and Fisheries Research Law approved this year, establish that the distribution of fishing rights must be done by encouraging more social and environmental fishing, an element that has only been timidly applied in this fishery.

Artisanal fishermen

The organizations insist that There are many artisanal fishermen without quotas or with meager quotasso it is incomprehensible that these irregular practices continue.

The bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) fishery is regulated by the multi-annual management plan established by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

To comply with the obligations of this plan, there is a control and monitoring regime for the operations carried out by purse seine vessels and fattening farms established by the General Secretariat of Fisheries.

ICCAT establishes that all transfers of tuna from purse seine vessels to cages, all caging, releases from farm cages and transfers between cages must always be carried out in the presence of an observer accredited by the Commission and that the casualties of all individuals must be recorded in an electronic bluefin tuna catch document (called eBCD). The reported mortalities discount fishing opportunities.

The removal of corpses from the beaches through an authorized manager is being paid for by the town councils, and in some cases people have been observed cutting up the animals for consumption, which would pose a health risk, they have warned.

Due to all these controls, the organizations show their concern about the numerous appearances of bluefin tuna carcasses and that some operators are failing to comply with these obligations so as not to lose these fishing opportunities.

Besides, The removal of bodies from the beaches through an authorized manager is being paid for by the town councilsand in some cases people have been observed cutting up the animals for consumption, which would pose a health risk, they have warned.

#mortality #tunas #Murcian #coasts

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