This is the punishment of a neo-Nazi leader for threatening Jews and journalists

by time news

U.S. neo-Nazi leader sentenced to seven years in prison for threatening Jews and journalists |

The 26-year-old leader of a neo-Nazi organization has been sentenced to seven years in prison for threatening journalists and activists who support exposing anti-Semitism, the US Department of Justice has announced.

The neo-Nazi Caleb Cole, was the leader of a white supremacist hate group that dealt with terrorizing journalists, especially those who were Jews or African American people. He was convicted by a federal jury in Washington.

Prosecutor Nick Brown of Washington said in a statement: “He repeatedly promoted violence, collected weapons and organized ‘hate camps’, hatred has no place here, he tried to intimidate journalists and defense attorneys through hateful and threatening posters, tried to increase their fear. Instead, they confronted him. In court and their courage led to the federal prison sentence imposed on him. “

“Threats that drive religious intolerance run counter to American values, even more so when their purpose is to intimidate journalists and others who work to expose fanaticism in our society.” Said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clark of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Department. “The defendant led a neo-Nazi group plot to threaten and intimidate journalists and defense attorneys who have done important work to expose anti-Semitism across the country. The Justice Department will continue to investigate and prosecute these acts of hatred.”

At trial, the victims described how the threats affected them. Some moved out of their homes for a while or installed security systems. One purchased a weapon and took shooting lessons. Another started opening her mailbox with a stick for fear of what might be inside. One left her job as a journalist.

As you may recall in October 2021 the Seattle court convicted 26-year-old Caleb Cole of five charges, including conspiracy, sending threatening mail, and involvement in criminal activity. He was accused of looking for victims on social media and sending posts with swastikas to journalists and employees of the Anti-Defamation League.

Cole, originally from Montgomery, Texas, was the leader of a hate group called the Atomic Weapons Division. He and four others were accused last year of searching for victims on social media and sending swastika posts to journalists and employees of the Anti-Defamation League in the states of Washington, Arizona and Florida, telling them, “You got a visit from your local Nazis, your actions have consequences, we watch.”

In addition, as part of its activities, the group obtained the addresses of Jewish journalists and activists and presented a plan to send them threats by e-mail, or to send threats in person to their homes through flyers.

The group posted an ad for example with the caption “Two can play this game”, with swastikas between each word, skeletons holding weapons and the words “Death to the Pigs”. Other posters read: “Our patience has limits” and “We watch, we are nobody, we are all, we know where you live, do not mess with us.”

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