The appeal ‘vegetarians save the world’, but in Italy they are decreasing

by time news

2023-10-02 11:56:13

Will vegetarians save the world? According to the promoters of World Vegetarian Day, a world day which was celebrated yesterday, Sunday 1 October, they could significantly contribute to the cause. Although, to be honest, in Italy the followers of ‘green’ eating are decreasing, the statistics say, in contrast with what is happening in several other countries. Why being ‘veg’ is a choice worth considering is explained by the North American Vegetarian Society, which created the day in 1977 (then supported by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978), and in the presentation of the anniversary it lists a string of good reasons, a in his opinion, to embrace the ‘green’ food approach.

Vegetarian diets, we read, are good for those who follow them because “they reduce the risk of fatal pathologies such as heart disease, stroke and cancer, and also exposure to food-borne pathogens”, but at the same time “they provide a viable to feed the world’s hungry people through more efficient use of cereals and other crops; they save animals from the suffering of factory farming and the pain and terror of slaughter.” And again: “They conserve vital but limited fresh water, fertile topsoil and other precious resources; they preserve irreplaceable ecosystems such as rainforests and other natural habitats; they reduce greenhouse gases that are accelerating global warming and mitigate environmental pollution in continuous expansion caused by animal agriculture”.

To the list of good actions linked to ‘vegetarianism’, the organization that promoted the day also combines another on the concrete actions to be implemented to begin a green path. Some of these: bring vegetarian food to share with colleagues at work; wearing informational T-shirts with vegetarian messages throughout October; display posters of the day and of Vegetarian Awareness Month (which opens with World Vegetarian Day) in libraries, supermarkets, shops, churches, arts centers and busy public areas; inviting friends and relatives home for a ‘celebratory’ meal, publishing adverts in newspapers, writing letters, going to schools to promote the veg style at the table. “Make a difference this October by informing others about vegetarianism. You will help create a better world, because the vegetarian diet has proven health benefits, saves animal lives and helps preserve the Earth”, is therefore the widespread appeal online in the space dedicated to ‘green’ celebrations.

What is the situation in Italy? According to Eurispes, there are almost 2 and a half million compatriots who follow a vegetarian diet and almost one and a half million who have chosen a totally plant-based diet: a slightly declining trend in the Italian population, while it is growing strongly at the national level. global. In 2023, according to what the research institute reports in the 35th ‘Italy Report’, 4.2% of the sample investigated has undertaken the vegetarian choice, while 2.4% are vegan: in total therefore 6.6%, against 8.2% in 2021. Considering vegetarians and vegans together, the historical series of the last 10 years shows a stable trend in the last 2 years considered (6.7% in 2022 and 6.6% in 2023), slightly down compared to the average for the entire period which stood at 7.3%. Overall, the trend appears fluctuating, with positive peaks in 2016 (8%) and 2020 (8.9%), and negative peaks in 2015 (5.9%).

It is above all the very young, between 18 and 24 years old, who choose a vegetarian diet in Italy (8.3%). The greatest adherence to a vegan diet is found in the 25-34 year old age group (3%). Among those aged between 35 and 64, the percentage of those who attempted to approach the vegetarian practice and then gave it up is higher (7.4%).

#appeal #vegetarians #save #world #Italy #decreasing

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