Four out of every 10 workers are depressed by their jobs

by time news

2023-10-02 13:13:15

A four out of 10 workers Their employment causes them sadness, irritability, tension or nervousness. Mountains of work, a boss who rushes you, a very poor salary that does not allow you to make ends meet, fear of being fired or not renewed or direct harassment by superiors or colleagues are some of the reasons that a report of CCOO, prepared jointly with the universities of Córdoba and León, points out behind this massive unrest. And a third of Spanish workers end up accepting working conditions that are illegal, but for which they compromise to keep their job.

The union’s study analyzes the responses of 1,617 workers from all over Spain and employees in different companies. And the main conclusion is that ‘earning your bread’ is not something pleasant for a very important part of the almost 21 million employed people who are currently operating in Spain. Only 55% of those surveyed responded affirmatively to the question of whether they were satisfied at work.

A significantly lower percentage among women and young people, since they generally enjoy fewer labor rights and suffer especially long hours. And, more specifically, those who have the worst psychological time both inside and outside of their work are people under 35 years of age and with university studies, who reveal higher rates of mental exhaustion and who are most affected by work in their private lives.

Working poverty, that is, having a salary at the end of the month but not being able to cover basic needs, is a scourge that affects the 28% of those employed, according to the CCOO study. A figure higher than that offered by the INE, in its survey of living conditions, and which places the risk of poverty among the employed at 16.5%.

Employment stability is another determining variable in terms of personal well-being. Two out of every 10 workers They admit to being afraid of losing their job during the next year and although the new labour reform has had a significant impact in statistical terms, not all alternatives to temporary contracts achieve the objective of improving employees’ feeling of security. And the CCOO report indicates that people with contracts discontinuous fixed They perceive their situation in a similar way in terms of precariousness to those who have temporary contracts.

Impossible to motivate for less than 1,700 euros

Companies are looking for motivated workers, but not all of them are willing to dig deep into their pockets to guarantee sufficient working conditions to do so. And the CCOO report validates common sense and better pay, more commitment to work and the company. Specifically, the authors detect significant differences between those people who earn more than 25.000 euros gross per year (1,785 euros, in 14 payments) and those who earn less. It is difficult to find committed employees for a lower salary.

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“This survey is an amendment to the entire data of the policies that have been made since the 80s that prescribed that for companies to function better there had to be a gradual degradation of working conditions,” declared the Secretary General. from CCOO, Unai Sordoat a press conference.

Another fact that stands out from the survey published by CCOO is that 22% of those surveyed, that is, almost one in four, say they are afraid of suffering retaliation from their company if they join a union.

#workers #depressed #jobs

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