This is the infrastructure that exists in Mexico to treat prostate cancer

by time news

2023-10-02 19:00:00

In Mexico, every year, almost 8 thousand deaths and more than 25 thousand new cases of prostate cancer are recorded, the vast majority detected in late stages. INCan cares for patients from Mexico and Latin America and trains cancer professionals so that, in their countries, they implement the early detection system for cancer of this type.

It is necessary to promote the prevention of prostate cancer among the male population

It is very necessary to promote prevention among the male population to undergo the test. To the National Cancer Institute 7 out of 10 patients arrive in late stages, while in other countries such as Spain, the United States, France or England, 9 out of 10 cases are detected when the cancer begins, allowing timely treatment to save their lives.

The country has medical infrastructure to care for the disease. General hospitals have a urology service and specialists are trained to perform radical prostectomy treatment and practically throughout the country there are medical services to treat this condition.

Mexico is the only Latin American country to have an early detection program

At the same time, Mexico is the only country in Latin America that has a comprehensive early detection program, which consists of the nutritional, psychological and physical evaluation of the patient, as well as laboratory studies and comprehensive treatment at all stages of the illness.

A sedentary lifestyle and family history are factors that predispose to suffering from this type of tumor. That is why it is vital to highlight the importance of medical check-ups and screening from the age of 40, with prostate antigen and rectal tract tests, which can make the difference between being cured or being at risk of losing your life.

In most men, this malignant tumor occurs after the age of 50. When it starts it does not cause symptoms and is slow growing. This gives a window of opportunity for its early detection.

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