WHO Introduces New Malaria Vaccine to Protect African Children: Significant Progress in Battling the Disease

by time news

2023-10-02 18:24:07
New Vaccine Offers Hope in Fight Against Malaria in Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved the use of a new vaccine, known as R21, in the fight against malaria in Africa. The vaccine, which has been found to reduce the risk of malaria by 75 percent after three doses in twelve months, is expected to be administered in several dozen African countries starting next year.

The announcement of the approval came from WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who emphasized the importance of the vaccine in protecting children from malaria. “It is an additional, crucial means to protect children as quickly as possible,” said Ghebreyesus.

Malaria is a leading cause of illness and death in many parts of Africa, particularly among children. Nearly 250 million cases of malaria are registered every year, with almost 620,000 deaths. The majority of these deaths occur in African children.

The price of the R21 vaccine is expected to be comparable to that of the first vaccine introduced against malaria. The WHO believes that the widespread administration of this new vaccine has the potential to save tens of thousands of children’s lives every year.

Hanna Nohynek, chairwoman of the WHO’s vaccination policy expert group (SAGE), expressed optimism about the impact of the new vaccine. “Tens of thousands of children should be saved every year,” said Nohynek.

The vaccine will be administered in four doses, with the fourth dose maintaining protection after the initial three doses in the first year. The WHO hopes that by implementing the R21 vaccine, they can significantly reduce the burden of malaria in Africa and protect vulnerable populations.

The fight against malaria has been ongoing for many years, with various interventions and preventive measures being implemented. The approval of the R21 vaccine marks a major milestone in the battle against this deadly disease and offers renewed hope for a malaria-free future in Africa.]
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