the background from the hospital – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2023-10-03 01:50:00

Melania Rizzoli 03 October 2023

«I thank the medical staff who literally saved my life. Thanks to two blood transfusions I am now much better.”
With these words, posted on his Instagram profile, the musician Fedez wanted to communicate his gratitude to the health workers who on the night of three days ago, when he arrived in critical condition by ambulance at Emergency Department of the Fatebenefratelli-Sacco Hospital in Milan, they operated on him urgently by endoscopy, stopping a hemorrhage that had been groaning for at least a few days from two small ulcers that had arisen silently in the stitches he underwent two years ago following a demolitive operation for an endocrine tumor of the pancreas, completely removed together with some collateral organs (gallbladder, duodenum and part of the pancreas). Certainly the timely halting of the serious blood loss by the gastroenterological surgeons on duty at night contributed to the success of the operation, but what “literally saved the life” of young Fedez were the transfusions of blood, infused into the vein one after the other, and quickly, which immediately restored the plasma volume, re-established the haematochemical balance, oxygenated the organism as best as possible, and above all gave support to the heart, which until then had been in critical anemic condition .

Il Blood is an essential component for survival, a natural element that cannot be artificially reproduced in the laboratory, and in cases of serious deficiencies or losses it must be promptly replaced with that of voluntary donors, an army of anonymous, healthy, generous and unpaid people, who regularly spontaneously go to the transfusion centers in deprive themselves of part of their blood in favor of recipients unknown to them, whose lives they often save. Donated blood is considered the precious natural life-saving medicine in many medical and surgical emergencies, which crowd our healthcare facilities on a daily basis. From a single dose of donated blood, ranging from 400 to 450ml, up to three bags can be produced, to use the red blood cells, platelets and plasma separately, and therefore save three human lives.

Very often you go to donate blood when you have a hospitalized family member who needs it, but that donation does not necessarily go to your relative, even if they have the same blood group, but will be used for a third party, of whom you do not know. knows the identity, origin, sex or religion, while your family member will receive already checked and selected blood from a different donor. This is precisely the most extraordinary part of donating blood, since it is not known who the end user will be, who will gain a precious advantage in terms of health and often life. Anyone who is in good health, over 18 years old, weighs more than 50kg, and it hasn’t illnesses in progress or chronic pathologies can donate blood, a simple, safe and non-traumatic procedure, and above all a gesture of solidarity and generosity that has no equal, because giving away a vital part of one’s body is equivalent to donating a liquid transplant which will certainly ensure that a person not to die.

Furthermore, our body replaces the volume of plasma removed within 24 hours of sampling, the missing red blood cells will be produced by the bone marrow in two to three weeks, as well as the lost iron will be rebalanced in six weeks, and all this metabolic and marrow stimulation will help reactivate and rejuvenate the metabolism, to thin the blood flow and in some ways reduce the future risk of hypertension and heart disease. Regular donors (who donate approximately every 90/100 days) obtain an accurate and constant check of their health status, as each sample is carefully analyzed and monitored in the transfusion center and is equivalent to a very scrupulous preventive check-up, since they receive at home within a week the blood chemistry analyzes of their precious donated blood. In cases of extreme urgency, for example when a boy who is the victim of a road accident arrives in the emergency room at night with active bleeding and in serious danger of his life, if there is no time to carry out the blood group test, the blood of the universal donors, the rarest and most sought after, i.e. individuals with Group 0- (who can only receive group 0- blood), while Group AB+ subjects can receive any type of blood and are therefore called universal recipients.

It is estimated that in Italy they are needed approximately 2,500,000 units of whole blood and approximately 860,000 kg of plasma every year, and each of us, once in our life, may need to be transfused for various reasons, so encouraging blood donation, especially among young people, the segment of the population that the more missing, it is socially useful, to “literally save lives” as happened to the young Fedez and as will happen to those of all ages who arrive after him. For all these reasons we invite Fedez, a highly followed influencer on social media, once he has recovered, to promote this humanitarian gift, and to extend his thanks and sincere gratitude, not only to the doctors who treated him, but also to those unknown donors who gave him they donated, on any given day, their own blood which allowed him to recover from a haemorrhage which, without those transfusions, could have proved fatal.

#background #hospital #Libero #Quotidiano

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