The reasons why women live longer than men are discovered

by time news

2023-10-03 20:00:42

It is common to believe that women live longer than men. But is this true? And, if so, why does it happen? Let’s see what science says about it.

Last update: October 3, 2023

The statistics presented by the World Health Organization (WHO), in relation to life expectancy at birth, indicate that, In practically every country in the world, women live longer than men. But what is the reason why this happens?

In this article, we will try to understand some keys in this regard, both from a biological and psychological and social point of view. Likewise, some recommendations will be given for men to take into account, in order to have a longer life than the average indicated by statistics.

Life expectancy

Life expectancy at birth is called estimate made in relation to the average number of years a person is expected to live, as long as the pattern is maintained. This calculation is made taking into account the mortality figures in a certain region.

Besides, Life expectancy depends on various factors, which vary greatly from one country to another; In this regard, the following are mentioned:

Hygiene habits Armed conflicts Natural disasters Child malnutrition Environmental pollution Access to health services Risky sexual behaviors Water quality or access to drinking water Abuse of alcohol, drugs and other risky substances

Differences between men and women

It is considered that the Life expectancy at birth has experienced a large increase in the last century and so far from the current one. And it is expected to continue growing, according to the UN, going from 75.8 years in 2019 to more than 77.2 by 2050.

However, this figure is not the same for both sexes. Simply put: women live longer than men. AND there is a difference of more than five years on average: 75.9 versus 70.8; respectively, according to 2019 estimates.

This inequality remains in all countries of the world, whatever your financial situation; Let’s look at some examples:

Spain: men 79.6 years; women 85.1 years, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE).
In the United States the figures are: 76, 3 men and 80.7 women; although the latter has decreased a little in the last 10 years.
In Japan: which is one of the highest in the world, men have a life expectancy of 81.5 and women 86.9. The country where the life expectancy of men is highest is Switzerland, with 81.8; a little above Japan. Lesotho is the country in which men live the shortest, with 47.7 years; and women 54.2.

Why do women live longer than men?

Why women live longer than men and other related questions have been analyzed by expert researchers in chronicity and aging from the University of Jaén, who have reached conclusions about what would be the possible determinants of the aforementioned difference, both biological and psychological, as well as social and which we will learn about below.

Stronger immune system

It is considered that the body of women tends to respond effectively to various types of infections. Although the reasons are not entirely clear, it has been shown that there is a difference in the immune system attributed to the X chromosome.

In this order of ideas, the genes that encode Toll-type receptors, as well as cytokines, and other genes related to T and B cells, reside on the X chromosome. Likewise, double-stranded RNAs are observed on this chromosome, which regulate immune responses.

Women have two X chromosomes and men only one. For this reason, there are diseases, of an immune nature, that manifest themselves seriously in men and not in women.

Cardiovascular protection

Estrogen acts as a protective factor, naturally helping to maintain cardiovascular health, although in the case of women this effect is lost after menopause. In general, they begin to be exposed to risk ca rdiovascular up to 10 years later than menwhich influences a longer life expectancy.

Different pathologies

Some common pathologies in women can be chronic, but not fatal; This is the case of migraines, fibromyalgia, arthritis, as well as fibroids, among others. However, cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), neurodegenerative diseases, endocrine and metabolic disorders, hypertension and heart failure cause many more deaths among men.


In some studies related to the topic, it is pointed out that «hay an older health demand of the female population, although this depends on factors such as age, origin and type of assistance requested. And going to medical services affects the early detection and management of various pathologies.

Treatment monitoring

When it comes to medical treatments, women are considered They are more likely to stick to the guidelines and comply with instructions what health professionals give them; unlike men.

Sedentary lifestyle

Even though the average indicates that women tend to be more sedentary than men, some studies report that overweight, obesity and high blood pressure associated with a sedentary lifestyle is higher in men.

Support networks

On the other hand, women They tend to build a family or emotional support network, which contributes to your personal well-being, reducing cognitive deterioration and maintaining vigilance and care in the event of an eventuality. While in men a tendency towards isolation is observed more frequently when they reach old age.

Management of positive emotions

Another aspect pointed out by the researchers would be related to the management of positive emotions, such as gratitude, forgiveness, among others, which contributes to better emotional health and can constitute a defense against cognitive deterioration and various diseases.

Alcohol and drug use

Apart from the above, the different studies on the subject point out other factors that influence the fact that women live longer than men. One of them is that the Alcohol and drug use is not only more common, but it is higher among members of the male the sense that they frequently incur excesses.

This, of course, affects mental deterioration and the appearance of various diseases. In fact, according to data from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), mental disorders due to drug use and cirrhosis of the liver are among the leading causes of death in men between 45 and 50 years old.

Risk behaviors

Associated with the above are risky behaviors, which can appear during altered states due to alcohol or drug consumption. This can affect situations such as traffic accidentswhich is among the leading causes of death in men and not in women.

Violence and self-harm

In the 20 to 24 age group, deaths due to personal violence are more than 70 per hundred thousand in men; and suicides are close to 20. While in women the rates are 7 and 4.5 per hundred thousand, according to PAHO data.

How to increase life expectancy in men?

Although there are Some of the reasons why women live longer than men that cannot be changed (such as, for example, that related to the X chromosome), there are certain situations that can be addressed, with a view to increasing life expectancy for males.

In this order of ideas, the following recommendations can be taken into account:

Since there is a greater cardiac risk, a diet low in fats, simple sugars and flour should be maintained. Also related to the previous point, we must avoid a sedentary lifestyle, carrying out physical activity in a moderate way, but regularly. Early detection and treatment of problems such as prostate cancer can help reduce death rates from this cause; It is suggested to go to health services and have regular check-ups. Among the leading causes of death are those related to smoking, which is higher in men; so you have to stay away from cigarettes, as well as alcohol and drugs. Practice activities that help control outbursts of anger and prevent violent behavior: tai chi, yoga, meditation. Maintain contact with friends, partner or family, that is, avoid isolating yourself in situations of depression. Do activities that help keep your mind focused on a purpose, such as learning to play a musical instrument. Go to therapy or support groups when necessary. Drive with caution at all times, and never drive under the influence of alcohol.

Equal in the good

As noted, humanity’s life expectancy has been increasing. And although women live longer than men, the difference between them has narrowed a little. This means that many have begun to become aware of what they should do for their health.

Now, just like men, Women should not engage in the risky behaviors mentioned above either.; for example, in relation to the consumption of alcohol or tobacco. The idea is that both maintain a high expectation regarding the length of life and that they be years of quality, with health and well-being.

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