Cristina Kirchner in campaign: Addition or subtraction?

by time news

2023-10-03 21:11:47

The question was recurring in campaign teams that monitor the ups and downs of politics and social reactions. What would happen when Cristina Kirchner reappeared publicly? The response was surprising after the vice president was the protagonist of an academic event on Saturday the 23rd: little happened. Almost nothing.

Far from the stardom of other times, Cristina failed to move the needle of public opinion despite having been ostracized for a couple of months. She attacked Javier Milei and was ironic with Together for Change. But Their media attacks no longer generate the damage they did before. The evidence is that social networks placed it for just a moment as the most repeated word in Argentina. A few minutes after her speech, It didn’t even enter the top ten of the hashtags of the moment: The first dozen names were full of players from Boca, who faced Lanús at the same time.

His presence in the campaign, then, What’s left? Just as it is undeniable that it helps to traction the vote of the K militancy, in massism they evaluate that, in parallel, the reappearance of CFK also scares away the independent electorate. “We were fine without her,” they say quietly in the official bunker.where misgivings grow due to the boss’s new role.

Cristina also reappeared in the midst of a wave of judicial decisions that worry her. At this point she also has to think about what is going to happen when she returns to the plain with the judicial cases that are still open.s. That is why he also supports Sergio Massa. To ensure that the next few years are not as complicated as you imagine they may be.


Without fanfare, Cristina showed her support for Massa in his public reappearance. “I recognize the Minister of Economy for having told society the truth about the IMF, a great decision,” he told him.. In the official candidate’s bunker they did not expect much more.

His last appearance, before the talk on Saturday the 23rd, had been with Massa, at the presentation of an Airlines flight simulator, two months ago. Despite being in office, the vice president still prefers to play silently.

Nor is it that the minister’s campaign team asked him for much more. Before he decided to speak at the Metropolitan University for Education and Work, They had suggested that he record some videos to reinforce Massa’s candidacy in the lower sectors, those who in recent decades embraced Kirchnerism and who in the PASO opted for Milei. A month before the elections, the idea has not yet materialized.

The reappearance at the event was accompanied by his first account on Tik Tok, the social network for young people, to which politics began to pay attention after Milei’s emergence. In its first days, it still did not reach 100 thousand followers: far from the million and a half users that the libertarian candidate has.

The first person who ventured to think to Cristina about a possible Massa government was the Albertista Vilma Ibarra. “She is not a candidate and she is not going to be an official in the next government, in principle,” she said andn an interview with Carlos Pagni. And she completed: “It seems to me that she is a relevant leader for an important sector of Unión por la Patria. “She will continue to exercise that leadership with the appropriate dialogue.”

For the President’s Legal and Technical Secretary, Cristina’s confrontational style will not have much place in Massa’s hypothetical government. “I have the impression that Sergio is the beginning of a new stage. He proposes great political agreements. He is reasonable, he does not insult, he does not shout,” she listed. The criticism was from outside, but also from within the party.

Although he has been a minister for more than a year, Massa also tries to separate himself from the current management. The operation to break away from the Government was seen in a Tik Tok that went viral: the candidate catches a package that was thrown at him and shows off his skills as a goalkeeper. “It’s just that they made me cut through every quilombo this last time,” he concludes, amused, looking at the camera.

After Cristina’s public reappearance, the candidate spoke to her to thank her for the praise. In fact, The minister recognizes the intellectual authorship of the “platita plan” that he has been carrying out: It was she who suggested that a campaign was not done with adjustments, but with bonuses, credits and so on. But in the official bunker they make sure that the vice president does not have a free hand: the concept that Massa develops is that of “national unity.” And every time she speaks, she reopens the rift.


In the middle of the campaign, a wave of judicial decisions worried Cristina again. Cases that, at this point, she considered closed, were reopened, and now he fears what might happen once he is on the plain.

For this reason, in his last appearance he associated his judicial situation with the failed attack he suffered a year ago. “Those who thought they were going to break me don’t know me,” he told the militancy after the event.. And he closed: “Dead or imprisoned, I don’t care, but I will never be silent.”

Without Judge Ana María Figueroa, the Court of Cassation revoked the dismissals that the vice president had obtained in the first instance in the Hotesur-Los Sauces case and in the Memorandum with Iran. A single piece of information reassured her: in the file investigating the Kirchner family hotels, her daughter Florencia was left out of the investigations.

Cristina, in any case, managed to cross paths with the Supreme Court once again. The fact is that on Thursday the 28th she included in the Senate’s agenda the approval of Judge Figueroa’s document, so that she continues in her Cassation position despite having turned 75 years old and she obtained the necessary votes. That, defying the highest court of Justice that already ruled on the matter, at the beginning of September, when it retired CFK’s favorite judge. The clash of powers is imminent.

Convicted in the Road Traffic case, Cristina’s judicial situation continues to be her Achilles heel. For this reason, the opposition once again put the focus on the vice: Patricia Bullrich made a campaign spot promising that, if she becomes president, she will build a maximum security prison that she will call Doctora Fernández de Kirchner.

In an interview, they even asked her if the vice president could go to prison in the prison that would bear her name. Without taking into account Cristina’s age and the fact that, in any case, she would have to serve her sentence with a home sentence, the Together for Change candidate joined the game: “Why not?” She suggested in Radio Metro. And she completed: “What’s the problem? If the Justice decides that he goes to prison, he will go to prison.”

In the final stretch, the opposition candidates resorted to arguments against Kirchnerism as campaign slogans. In fact, between Bullrich and Milei they provoke each other over who is closer to the Government. This markedly anti-K climate worries Cristina as much as the latest decisions of Justice. She is afraid of the plain.

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