First Look into Sombra’s Season 7 Rework in Overwatch 2: New ‘Virus’ Ability and Stealth Radius Revealed

by time news

Title: Overwatch 2 Reveals First Look at Sombra’s Season 7 Rework, Introducing New “Virus” Ability and Stealth Radius

Date: October 4, 2023

Overwatch 2 has provided fans with a sneak peek into the highly-anticipated Season 7 rework of the popular Hero, Sombra. The reveal showcases her new “Virus” ability and a unique stealth radius, adding exciting changes to her playstyle.

Back on August 6, Overwatch 2 Director Aaron Keller had announced that Sombra would undergo a rework for Season 7, generating curiosity among players about the modifications that would be introduced. However, no specific details were shared at the time.

After months of anticipation, fans finally have a glimpse into Sombra’s upcoming rework. The latest footage unveils her new kit, displaying a brief video on the game’s official Twitter account. The accompanying caption describes Sombra as “bringing a Virus to the battlefield.”

The showcased ability shows Sombra launching a “Virus” projectile at her enemies, which appears to deal damage over time. Although the exact mechanics and interactions with the rest of Sombra’s kit remain undisclosed, the animation suggests a lasting impact on the targeted enemy Hero.

Additionally, a subtle observation made by vigilant players involves a change to Sombra’s Stealth ability. It seems that when Sombra enters Stealth, there will be a specific radius surrounding her. If an enemy enters this radius, it may trigger her decloaking. This new mechanic offers players a fresh method to detect a stealthy Sombra, deviating from the traditional method of hitting her to reveal her presence.

It’s important to note that these details have not been officially confirmed and should be approached with caution until the Season 7 update is released. Nevertheless, it is evident that Sombra’s rework aims to shake up the gameplay experience for both Sombra mains and her opponents.

Overwatch fans eagerly await the Season 7 update to experience these changes firsthand and witness how Sombra’s reworked abilities will impact the overall gameplay. With the introduction of the “Virus” ability and the alteration to her Stealth mechanics, Sombra is poised to become an even more intriguing and formidable Hero in Overwatch 2.

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