Fourteen recommendations on what to work on in Pediatrics

by time news

2023-10-04 08:34:58

Because of la week of your specialty, Pediatricians take the opportunity to remember and vindicate the importance of their work, since according to official data they care for more than 15% of the Spanish population, y al 17% of hospital admissions. As a result of this celebration, the experts of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) have produced a manifesto with fourteen key recommendations.

Especially the AEP commemorates the October 8 on ‘P Day’. This year’s motto is Working together by children and adolescents and with it it is highlighted that educating children in a healthy life is a collaborative task which requires knowledge, research and dialogue by families, health professionals and institutions.

Families and pediatricians need updated and supported information for science on topics as diverse as vaccines, nutrition, breastfeeding, healthy habits and many more issues.

“Without this task of permanently updating knowledge, it is not feasible to maintain excellence in pediatric care,” recalls the president of the AEP, Dr. Luis Carlos Blesa Baviera.

“To maintain the quality of health care that we provide to the Spanish child population, all the collaborative work of many professionals is essential,” emphasizes the president of the AEP.

Fundamental areas of knowledge to work on

Coinciding with the commemoration of P Day, the members of the 11 committees, five working groups and three research and training platforms of the AEP have disseminated a manifesto in which they mainly stand out 14 proposals or recommendations in which the different teams consider that It is important to pay attention.

These Fourteen points are organized into twelve areas of activity: health promotion, childhood vaccination, nutrition and breastfeeding, pediatric medications, pain, sleep, environmental health, quality of care and patient safety, bioethics, solidarity, history and the future of Pediatrics, and training and research which also brings together scientific evidence and professional competence.

1. Health promotion

He AEP Health Promotion Committee periodically issues updated recommendations on major topics, diseases or circumstances that affect or interfere during childhood and adolescence.

Some of the most important are the alarming rates of childhood obesity in our country or the risk factor posed by inappropriate use of screens.

It is committee considers that a fundamental task is disseminate among pediatricians the latest scientific evidence in the field of health promotion from the first days of a child’s life to adolescence.

Furthermore, they highlight the importance of bringing this knowledge to families by making tools available to them that facilitate its practical application.

2. Vaccination

He Vaccine Advisory Committee is responsible for advising and promoting immunizations against infectious diseases. Keeps information up to date about the latest news in immunizations for both professionals and families and answers questions online.

Furthermore, it establishes as a recommendation an immunization schedule for proper protection.

3. Nutrition and breastfeeding

He Nutrition and Breastfeeding Committee promotes adherence to traditional healthy lifestyles in children, adolescents and their families.

This committee proposes promote a healthy diet and lifestyle in the Spanish population during the first 1,000 days of life of the child population. Furthermore, it aims promote breastfeeding as exclusive food during the first six months of life and as the main food during the complementary feeding period.

4. Medications

He Medication Committee proposes improve the use of medications in childhood and adolescence providing information, training and advice to paediatricians, collaborating with regulatory agencies, research networks and scientific societies in making decisions related to utilization and research.

5. Pain

Childhood pain is underdiagnosed. It is estimated that up to 77% of hospitalized minors suffer from pain and up to 20% of adolescents experience some chronic pain.

He Children’s Pain Working Group AEP considers it essential to raise awareness about the importance of good prevention and treatment.

6. The dream

The dream plays a fundamental role in healthy development during childhood and adolescence. Therefore, according to Sleep and Chronobiology Working GroupIt is very important to value rest by disseminating knowledge and the latest advances related to sleep to both families and professionals.

7. Environmental health

Provide education, training and research in pediatric and school environmental health, create spaces for scientific debate on issues of children’s health, the environment and contributing to the defense of children against environmental injustices and their impacts; These are the axes on which the recommendations and activity of the Environmental Health Committee.

8. Quality of care and patient safety.

He Quality of Care and Patient Safety Committee recommends strengthening the culture of patient safety to prevent and reduce risks associated with healthcare activity.

Precisely with this objective, the committee has drawn up a list of 30 recommendations of practices to avoid in the care of pediatric patients in primary care, emergencies, during hospitalization, intensive care and at home.

9. Bioethics

He Bioethics Committee promotes training in bioethics for pediatricians and promotes research to show the importance of co-responsibility, values ​​and cultural diversity in the health of childhood and adolescence.

This committee proposes humanize the clinical relationship in childhood care and adolescence listening, accompanying and promoting the participation and autonomy of minors in decision-makings about their care, always according to their maturity.

10. Scientific evidence

Evidence-based medicine allows you to analyze information about a health intervention in a short time and assess its applicability to patients taking into account their values ​​and circumstances.

The AEP Evidence-Based Pediatrics Committee works to disseminate this work methodology in order to achieve adequate updating of knowledge.

From left to right, in the presentation of Pediatrics Day, AEP doctors Julio Álvarez Pitti, coordinator of the Health Promotion Committee; Guillermo Martín Carballo, vice president of Primary Care; Gonzalo Pin Arboledas, coordinator of the Sleep and Chronobiology Group; and Pilar Díaz Pernas, member of the Quality of Care and Patient Safety Committee. Image provided by the AEP.

11. Solidarity

Solidarity and the culture of cooperation in children’s health should be strengthened. Furthermore, the AEP International Cooperation Working Group proposes increasing the visibility of pediatric diseases most linked to poverty and inequalities to fight against health inequities.

12. Training and research

He Scientific Committee of Congresses and the Committee for the Evaluation of Teaching and Scientific Activities proposes to promote innovative teaching and scientific activities that improve the competence and continuous professional development of pediatricians.

On the other hand, recommends stimulating academic debate and competitive research in Pediatrics.

13. Professional competence

Responsibility towards patients and their environment requires ensure competent and safe professional practice in pediatricsaimed at the continuous improvement of the care process.

He Recertification Working Group Its mission is to define the criteria (clinical, teaching and research) that allow it to be accredited that a professional, maintains its competencies in that specialty.

14. The past and future of pediatrics

The Spanish model of pediatric healthcare is a benchmark in Europe for its high quality of care and excellent health results. This would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of all Spanish paediatricians.

Therefore, the AEP History Committee considers it fundamental preserve historical heritage y highlight the biography of the most prominent Spanish pediatricians.

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