Mediaset brings forward the start of prime time programmes: new time

by time news

2023-10-04 13:07:40

Now it’s official: Mediaset has decided to bring forward the start of its prime time programmes. We could rename it ‘operation eyes wide open’, thinking of the viewers on the sofa forced to wait until almost 10pm to see the evening’s film or drama start, which is now better not to be defined as prime time. It is better to talk only about prime time, that is, the peak listening time.

Because prime time programs are a distant memory: the 8.30-10.30pm slot is now largely occupied by programs defined as access prime time. The evening programs start years after 9.30pm, with an ever-increasing trend towards 10pm, and often occupy the entire time slot of what was once the second evening (from 10.30pm onwards, with shows often ending after 1 am).

Specialists say that there are considerations behind the share which increases in percentage, with the same number of viewers, as the overall audience tuned in at a certain time decreases. And the share is in turn important for selling advertising spaces. But it is also true that for years, protests have been mounting on industry blogs and on social media from those who struggle to keep their eyes open until late at night to follow prime time programmes, especially on weekdays.

But at the beginning of this season, Mediaset seemed to intend to reverse the trend, for now reporting the start of evening programs at around 9.30pm. An article by Paolo Giordano in the ‘Giornale’ certifies this today. “For days, Canale 5 has brought forward the starting time of prime time programmes. Previously they started at almost 10pm, now we’re back to basics and they start around 9.30pm”.

The ‘Giornale’ article underlines that the advance was achieved by “cutting the duration of Striscia by 20 minutes if not more” while Rai would have left its scheme unchanged, starting the prime time program even after 9.45pm . And in fact, looking at the timetables of the last few days, we find some confirmation: on Rai1 on 28 September ‘Ulisse’ on Rai1 started at 9.41pm, on 29 September ‘Tale e Quale’ at 9.39pm with the presentation and at 9.44pm with the actual program, on September 30th ‘Everybody plays Chain Reaction’ at 9.36pm, on October 1st ‘Cuori’ at 9.35pm, on October 2nd on Rai1 Imma Tataranni started at 9.45pm and ‘Big Brother’ at 9.33pm, yesterday Morgane Detective Geniale’ started on Rai1 at 9.54pm (also because it was preceded by the extraordinary news broadcast on Tg1 on the Mestre tragedy, from 9.38pm to 9.51pm) while on Canale 5 there was the Champions League (which however is irrelevant because it starts at 9pm as always). It must be said, however, that this is the first autumn in which there are two prime time access programs on Rai1: ‘Cinque Minuti’ as well as ‘Affari Tui’.

Now it remains to be seen whether Mediaset’s decision will also induce Rai to bring forward the start of the evening program (which would imply a reduction in the space of prime time access programs which seems difficult to achieve) or whether everyone will play their own waiting game to understand, with advertising collection data in hand, what will be worthwhile in the future.

by Antonella Nesi

#Mediaset #brings #start #prime #time #programmes #time

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