Ruy López Ridaura, who is Hugo López-Gatell’s successor?

by time news

2023-10-04 17:16:39

Ruy López Ridaura has become the new Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotionreplacing Hugo López-Gatell. This was announced by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), during the morning conference on Wednesday, October 4.

López Ridaura served as general manager of the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control (Cenpare).

Who Ruy López Ridaura ?

Ruy López Ridaura is a graduate of the UNAM Faculty of Medicine. He specialized in Internal Medicine at the Salvador Zubirán National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition. In addition, he has obtained a Master’s Degree in Medical Sciences from UNAM and a Doctorate in Nutritional Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health.

His professional experience is extensive. He has been Head of the Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk Research Unit and Researcher in Medical Sciences at the National Institute of Public Health. Additionally, he has actively participated in the ESMaestras Cohort since its founding, coordinating general operations since 2006.

López Ridaura was also responsible for the Mexican portion of a World Health Organization (WHO) survey of aging adults, and has solid methodological training and experience in the analysis of genetic information and longitudinal dietary information. She has collaborated in recognized international studies, such as the Nurses Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, and has been a consultant in various diabetes epidemiology projects.

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Es Member of the National System of Researchers Level II of CONACYT and professor at the School of Public Health of Mexico. In addition to his role in education and research, López Ridaura has been an integral part of the Mexican government team, contributing to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico.

Hugo López Gatell

Hugo López-Gatell, Ruy López Ridaura’s predecessor, faced criticism and controversies, especially related to the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has left more than 334 thousand recognized deaths in Mexico. l

López-Gatell, who initially gained notoriety during the early days of the pandemic, has been criticized for dismissing the use of face masks and for other decisions related to the management of the health crisis.

A few days ago, Hugo López-Gatell announced his interest in participating in Morena’s internal process to elect the candidate for the head of government of Mexico City.

Omar García Harfuch, the former Secretary of Citizen Security of CDMX, and Clara Brugada, former mayor of Iztapalapa, participate in this process.

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