MK Waldiger Responds to Rabbi Lau’s Departure from the Sukkah: Unity Journey Selective?

by time news

Controversy Erupts in Conversation Evening at Sukkah of Knesset Member Michal Waldiger

Last night, a conversation evening held in the sukkah of religious Zionist Knesset member Michal Waldiger took an unexpected turn when Rabbi Benny Lau abruptly left the gathering after the entrance of Rabbi Yitzhak Waserlauf from Otzma Yehudit.

The event, attended by prominent figures such as Knesset member Hili Trooper and former Knesset member Ayelet Nachmias, aimed to foster unity and discourse among individuals with differing ideologies. However, Lau’s abrupt exit was seen as a significant disruption to the evening.

In response to Lau’s departure, MK Waldiger expressed her disappointment and questioned his commitment to unity. In a message addressed to the rabbi, she wrote, “Thank you, Rabbi Benny Lau, for honoring us with your presence. I was happy to host you in our sukkah, just as I was happy to host our other guests, including Ayelet Nachmias and Rabin. Your Honor, I have disagreements with both you and her, but I believe they are more about the way than the substance.”

She continued to express her dismay at Lau’s decision to leave the sukkah upon the arrival of a minister from Otzma Yehudit, a party with which Lau disagrees. Waldiger pointed out the contradiction of Lau’s previous statements about a journey to an “equal valley” and the chance for fusion through encounters.

Waldiger further questioned the notion of elected officials renouncing their ideological beliefs, stating, “Are you suggesting that elected officials declare one thing and actually do the opposite? Of course, the job requires listening and serving the general, but it does not require exchanging ideologies and beliefs.”

She emphasized the importance of maintaining diverse opinions while striving for a discourse of love, respect, and unity. Waldiger acknowledged that ideological disputes exist and will continue to exist, but believed that conversations like the one held last night could help change the style and tone of these discussions.

In conclusion, Waldiger expressed her hope for future conversations with Lau. “I assume, Your Honor, that we have a lot more to talk about and I hope we will do so,” she wrote.

The evening’s events have sparked a discussion about the challenges of political discourse and the ability to maintain unity in the face of differing beliefs.

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