″International Memorial″ to Receive Prestigious Theodor Heuss Prize | News from Germany about Germany | Dw

by time news

The International Historical and Educational Society “Memorial” (“MM”) was awarded the Theodor Heuss-Preis, named after the first federal president of Germany. This was announced on Thursday, January 13, by the Theodor Heuss Foundation in Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg).

Memorial International is a beacon for civil society, and the work of the organization is a model for the courageous defense of human rights around the world,” said Foundation Chairman Ludwig Heuss. “The award is designed to encourage democracy and strengthen the confidence and courage of human rights defenders.” indicated further in the fund.

Delivery scheduled for May

The award ceremony will be held for the 57th time and is scheduled for May. The recipients of this award tend to be distinguished individuals – active participants in the democratic process and defenders of civil rights. Among them was the German writer Günter Grass. In 2005, the award was received by the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, in 2015 – by the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg (EuGH).

“International Memorial” ban

On December 28, 2021, the Supreme Court of Russia decided to ban MM. It was decided to liquidate the company and its regional subdivisions. The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation in its lawsuit argued that the “International Memorial” allegedly repeatedly violated the laws, and also engaged in political activities in order to influence government decisions and form public opinion.

Liquidation of the human rights center “Memorial”

Later, on December 29, 2021, the Moscow City Court, on the proposal of the city prosecutor’s office, ruled to liquidate the Memorial human rights center.

The organization rejected the claims against them. Representatives of “Memorial” stated that they would appeal the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in Russian courts, and if necessary, in the European Court of Human Rights.

Protests and global resonance

The decision to liquidate the “International Memorial” caused a huge resonance not only within Russia, but also in the international arena. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called the persecution of Memorial organizations an insult to human rights activities around the world. The German government condemned the actions of the Russian authorities as contrary to international obligations to protect fundamental civil rights. Amnesty International, a major international human rights organization, has called for the decision to ban Memorial to be reversed, calling it an insult to the memory of the millions of Gulag victims.

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