agreement in sight between unions and employers for a revaluation of 4.9%

by time news

2023-10-05 10:02:35

A caress for working people and retirees, a raised fist against the government. On the night of Wednesday October 4 to Thursday October 5, employers and unions reached a draft agreement which increases by 4.9% the pensions provided by Agirc-Arrco, the complementary private sector plan that they co-manage. . Once considered under pressure from the executive, the hypothesis of a contribution in favor of the lowest benefits has been ruled out, for the moment.

By opposing l’“injunction” of the State, the employers’ and employees’ organizations wanted to reaffirm their “legitimacy” in the management of a joint organization. They will consult their authorities before indicating whether they sign the text – knowing that the response must be given by October 11 at the latest.

It is almost certain that Medef and the CFDT will initial it, as well as – undoubtedly – ​​the CFTC and the CFE-CGC. For the other protagonists, the prognosis is a little more – or even very – uncertain, in particular for the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME) and, above all, for the Union of Local Enterprises (U2P), which may not endorse the document.

Read also: Article reserved for our Agirc-Arrco subscribers: tensions rise again between the State and social partners

The result came shortly after midnight, following a meeting which ended a round of negotiations initiated on July 11. The aim of the exercise was to redefine the rules applicable to Agirc-Arrco for the period 2023-2026. The increase of 4.9%, which corresponds to the provisional estimate of inflation over the last twelve months, will apply to supplementary pensions from 1 November. It is slightly lower than the demands of several unions but above the first employer proposals.

Additional rights

Another important arbitration: the draft agreement eliminates in several stages the bonus-malus system introduced in 2019 in order to encourage people to remain in activity beyond the age from which they are entitled to a pension at a fixed rate. full. Thus, the temporary 10% discount will disappear “from December 1st for all new retirees” et “from April 1, 2024”, for all individuals already retired who are subject to this mechanism, explained Yvan Ricordeau, number two of the CFDT. Finally, additional supplementary pension rights are created for women and men who are in a situation of “employment-retirement combination”that is to say who prolong their professional life while having obtained payment of their pension.

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