Spicy suburban area: how the Buenos Aires electoral campaign shakes the culture in Moreno

by time news

2023-10-05 22:28:24

On Saturday, September 30, at Buen Ayre School of the party of Moreno, a cultural event of music and dance was to be held. The organization of the exhibition was in charge of various cultural managers. Among them were members of the Moreno Foundation I Love You, who brought together a total of 426 students of different ages and a dozen teachers from various institutes to develop the festival. That same day, it was decided not to hold the meeting due to various threats to the teachers summoned.

“Today, Saturday, September 30, 2023, I should be at the Buen Ayre School enjoying the last dance exhibition of my 15 years of profession. But I have to be here, exposing the situation that we had to live with the 426 students, the 12 teachers and the 1,500 people who were going to participate in this purely family, cultural event and without any political flag,” he expressed. Daiana Duranurban dance teacher RA Studio Dance in a viral Instagram reel and continued: “On Thursday, threats began to be made to the owners of the buses so that they would not participate in this event, giving them the order that any bus that participates would be kidnapped or fined.”

In the same video, the teacher detailed the threats to other colleagues who were to be presented at the exhibition that Saturday. “They called the teachers late at night telling them that they were going to destroy all their studies. They have also received visits from inspectors making treacherous comments about their papers,” Duran explained and concluding with the playback of an audio threatening Federico Penaone of the participating teachers: “Don’t go to today’s event because if you go, we are going to break your entire study, do you understand?”

In these general elections, both the positions of mayor and councilors are at stake in the various Buenos Aires districts. In Moreno; territory of the mayor, reference of the Avoid Movement and coalition figure Union for the Homeland, Mariel Fernandez; The electoral challenge is between the ruling party and the nascent Buenos Aires libertarian movement, represented by the candidate for provincial deputy and leader of Freedom Advances, Ramon Vera. According to different media, Vera has extensive experience in the field of politics on several Peronist fronts and intends to be the successor of the former Kirchnerist mayor. Walter Festa. In addition to being involved in school food service, he also chairs the Moreno Foundation I Love You, which was created in 2022.

On the same LLA ballot in which it is found Ramon Verathe candidate for mayor also appears Andrea Vera and teacher Daiana Duran as a candidate for district councilor. In dialogue with News, the teacher expressed: “The first threat arises with the issue of buses. The buses that mobilize for the opposition party were going to be fined or kidnapped. That happened to us in a previous event. Since Thursday they had orders not to work with us. But the last thing, what led us to suspend the event, was the threat to the teachers. “We didn’t want to risk the professor’s job.”

According to the organizer of the meeting, four teachers, who are leaders in the area, were threatened. “Two of them, who have important studies in the area, had the municipal inspection the day before to request the papers that they had up to date and they made comments alluding to them being careful about the events that are going to occur because they could arise that they are missing some papers,” Duran explained and added: “The rest were phone calls on the same day of the event: ‘Don’t show up, we’re going to break up your studio,’ ‘look where they’re going.'” In the case of the visits to the studios, which were carried out on Friday the 29th, Duran clarified that the people who carried out the warnings presented themselves as municipal inspectors. Also, the teacher confirmed that, in the case of the calls, the teachers reported threats to the relevant authorities.

History in politics Daiana Duran It goes back to last year. His link with the Moreno Foundation I Love You It came to fruition when he requested help to promote his studio’s educational and cultural projects. At that time, having no response from the municipality for minimal help in the Dance World Cup, contacted the Vera institution to be able to participate in the competition. According to the educator, starting in February, she began to receive various threats through different means, and in May she decided to enter the political arena.

News contacted the communications area of ​​the Municipality of Moreno, and spoke with one of the people responsible for the area who explained that he was unaware of the video uploaded to social networks. Subsequently, she shared the reel with him in order to make her opinion known or downloaded the message described by the candidate for councilor of the libertarian space, but the head of the municipal sector did not make any statements. On the other hand, Duran concluded: “We make this situation visible. They generate a lot of helplessness in us. In Moreno, it is common currency. You know where the order can come from.”

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