Police Complaint: Attempted Neighborhood Closure by Har Hamor for Second Laps in Jerusalem – Jerusalem Union Takes Action

by time news

Police complaint filed as ‘Har Hamor’ plans to block Jerusalem neighborhood

Jerusalem residents were left outraged after signs were hung up blocking the Shmuel Wall neighborhood ahead of the second laps at the end of the holiday. A complaint has since been filed with the police, with the Jerusalem Union candidate vowing to put an end to this blockade.

The controversy comes hot on the heels of the Supreme Court’s verdict regarding the second laps in Tel Aviv. Now, Jerusalem is witnessing a similar stir, as reports emerged that signs posted on Har Huma state that Rabbi Zvi Tau’s Har Hamor yeshiva will close off the neighborhood for the Second laps, exclusively for invitees and residents.

Deputy Mayor Yossi Havilio, who is also the mayoral candidate for the Jerusalem Union, wasted no time in taking action. Havilio appealed to the municipality, demanding the removal of the signage and the prevention of the neighborhood closure for the upcoming second laps at Mount Hamor.

A message from Havilio conveyed his frustration, stating, “This is an illegal takeover attempt by a dangerous Messianic institution, seeking to control the capital of Israel and eradicate the essence of liberalism and Israeliness within it. I implore the mayor to immediately put a stop to this outrage before the holiday. We will not allow this to happen.”

Havilio further stated that he had reached out to the municipal supervision to remove the signs and had also contacted the Israel Police to investigate the matter. He emphasized the significance of the Jerusalem Union, stating that it stands as the line between Messianic Jerusalem and Israeli Jerusalem, and it is high time to choose a side.

The Jerusalem Union is determined to protect the character and values of the city against any attempts to infringe upon its secular and democratic atmosphere. As the issue unfolds, residents eagerly await the actions taken by the municipality and police to ensure that the neighborhood remains accessible to all, as legally mandated.

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