Elisabeth Borne weaves her networks with the right wing of the majority

by time news

2023-10-06 18:26:12
Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne and Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, during the political return of the tenant of Place Beauvau, in Tourcoing (North), August 27, 2023. MICHAEL ZUMSTEIN/AGENCY SEEN FOR “LE MONDE”

The feast began shortly after 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 4, in one of the lounges on the first floor of the Hôtel de Matignon, the Prime Minister greeted the ten guests one by one and, unusually, kissed some and others. Relaxed. Cheerful. The Prime Minister, reinforced in her functions since the reshuffle of July 18, after having come close to leaving, receives with all respect these deputies taking responsibility for the“right wing of the majority. Of those who form the so-called “Solferi-No” group »in connection with the café Le Solférino where they are accustomed to meeting in Paris, punctuated by a « No » signifying their distance from the former headquarters of the Socialist Party.

Among the twenty-six deputies of this group, Charles Rodwell (Yvelines), Constance Le Grip (Hauts-de-Seine), Robin Reda (Essonne), Laetitia Saint-Paul (Maine-et-Loire), Eric Woerth were invited. (Oise), Laure Miller (Marne), Lionel Royer-Perreaut (Bouches-du-Rhône), Patricia Lemoine (Seine-et-Marne), Louis Margueritte (Saône-et-Loire) and Brigitte Klinkert (Haut-Rhin). Many are former members of the Les Républicains (LR) party, most of them supporters of Bruno Le Maire, the minister of the economy. A right wing “non-aligned” on that of Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, summarizes Robin Reda.

The former director of the socialist Ségolène Royal’s cabinet, who has until now claimed her pedigree as a woman of the left, had not really paid attention, until this Wednesday, to this right wing. But the tenant of Matignon knows that to last, she needs to take care – ” to treat “they say within the government – ​​all the deputies likely to support it, whatever their political affinities.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Tourcoing, Elisabeth Borne slows down Gérald Darmanin’s offensive

“She understood that she should not treat elected officials like soldiers, souffle Eric Woerth. That’s the lesser of it. » Robin Reda subscriber: “Its survival, during the reshuffle, was a trigger. » The Prime Minister remembers the campaign led in the spring by the former “Sarko boy” Gérald Darmanin, to round up, in vain, Matignon. Since then, a desire for revenge has hovered over Rue de Varenne. In Tourcoing on August 27, Gérald Darmanin was able to unite a small group of supporters around him. The former prefect tries to do the same, counting her divisions. “We told him we were loyal to him”points out Louis Margueritte. “We are not here to form the Borne stable”nuance Robin Reda.

“On the same line as Pécresse”

Aware that the left wing of the majority is too narrow to form a battalion, Elisabeth Borne looks to the right. In front of an avocado mixed with crab tartare, followed by pan-fried scallops, the Prime Minister addresses the burning subject of the urban riots at the beginning of July. Surrounded by two of her closest collaborators, speaking without a file, the Prime Minister surprises the LR defectors by displaying her firmness on immigration: “The first defense is that there be no entrances” new migrants; drug traffic : “We have to do it differently” ; maintaining public finances: “There is no more money in the state coffers” ; housing : “We must deghettoize the territories”. Subject on which “she is on the same line as Pécresse”smiles Robin Reda, former spokesperson for Valérie Pécresse in the 2022 presidential election. The president of the Ile-de-France region proposed at the beginning of September a “anti-ghetto device” which would limit the number of very social housing in municipalities where their proportion exceeds 30%.

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