Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2023: Taking Care of Your Breast Health

by time news

2023-10-07 09:30:00
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: National Cancer Institute Urges Thai Women to Take Care of Their Breast Health

Saturday, October 7, 2023, 2:30 p.m.

“Cancer” is a word that no one wants to hear in their own lives or the lives of their loved ones. Unfortunately, breast cancer has been the leading cause of death among Thai people for decades. In light of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the National Cancer Institute is calling all Thai women to prioritize their breast health.

Dr. Weerawut Imsamran, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Medical Services, revealed that breast cancer is the number one cause of death in Thai women as well as globally. Statistics from the National Cancer Institute indicate a steady increase in breast cancer patients each year, with an estimated 22,000 new cases in 2023 alone. Shockingly, 1 in 8 Thai women has a chance of developing breast cancer in their lifetime, highlighting just how close this disease is to all of us. Dr. Imsamran stresses the importance of prevention, advising women to steer clear of carcinogenic substances such as cigarettes and alcohol, engage in regular exercise, maintain a healthy body weight, and avoid unnecessary long-term use of female hormones. These lifestyle changes significantly reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

Female Doctor Wipawee Sappasitwong, a breast surgery specialist at the National Cancer Institute, emphasized the importance of early detection, which greatly improves the chances of survival. Sappasitwong urges women to regularly examine their breasts for any abnormalities or warning signs. These signs include a lump in the breast or armpit, changes in breast shape, sunken or pulled-back nipples, rash or sores on the breast and nipple, and fluid or blood draining from the nipple. Should any of these symptoms be observed, immediate consultation with a healthcare professional is crucial. Additionally, annual breast examinations by medical professionals are recommended. Women above the age of 40 should consider having a mammogram, even in the absence of symptoms, as it is a reliable tool for detecting breast cancer in its early stages.

Early detection can dramatically increase the chances of a cure, with more than a 95 percent success rate. Treatment options such as cancer drugs and radiation therapy also allow for breast preservation, eliminating the need for complete removal. Advancements in breast-conserving surgery and targeted radiation therapy have minimized side effects on nearby organs, while in some cases, radiation treatment can be completed in a single session. In the unfortunate event that the entire breast needs to be removed, breast reconstruction methods are available to help patients regain a sense of normalcy in their lives. Today, healthcare professionals work collaboratively to provide individually tailored treatment plans that suit the needs of each patient.

During this month of Breast Cancer Awareness, the National Cancer Institute hopes to spark awareness among Thai women about the importance of self-care and breast cancer screening. The campaign aims to highlight the adage, “Know it quickly, cure it without losing your breasts.” Thai women are encouraged to visit the National Cancer Institute’s website for information on cancer prevention and to stay informed about the fight against fake cancer news. The website also provides a dedicated Line account for cancer-related inquiries.

Breast cancer is a formidable opponent, but with increased awareness, regular screening, and timely intervention, it is a fight that can be won. Let October be the month that every Thai woman takes charge of her breast health, fostering a culture of health and well-being for generations to come.

Source: National Cancer Institute]
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