Dengue Fever in Cuba: Risks, Vaccinations, and Protective Measures

by time news

2023-10-07 08:56:20
Cuba Travelers Beware: Dengue Fever is on the Rise!

Cuba, known for its vibrant culture and beautiful beaches, has recently seen a sharp increase in cases of dengue fever. This disease, transmitted by tiger mosquitoes, has been spreading rapidly not only in Cuba but also globally in recent years. Unfortunately, a particularly wet summer and a lack of diesel to combat insects contributed to the widespread spread of dengue fever in Cuba in 2022, affecting both locals and tourists.

Dengue fever, also known as bone-breaking fever, is accompanied by high fever, muscle pain, joint problems, and skin rashes. While most cases are not life-threatening, the risk of serious illness increases with each repeated infection. This makes it crucial for travelers to take precautions and protect themselves from mosquito bites.

One important note for travelers to Cuba is to avoid aspirin and ibuprofen if they have dengue fever, as these medications are blood thinners and can be life-threatening in the event of internal bleeding. Instead, it is recommended to use paracetamol.

Fortunately, there is some good news amidst the rising cases of dengue fever. A vaccination against dengue has been available in the EU since 2023 and is approved for people aged 4 and over. The vaccination provides 81% protection against all four variants of the dengue virus after the first dose, with the second dose increasing protection to 87%. However, it is important to note that there is still insufficient long-term data on the effectiveness of the vaccination.

Cuba is also working on developing its own vaccine against dengue, which could be a promising development in combating the disease on the island.

Despite the availability of the vaccination, it is still recommended that travelers take additional protective measures. Even with the vaccine, there is still a 1 in 5 chance of contracting dengue. These measures include using mosquito repellent, especially in the early morning and late afternoon, wearing protective clothing, waterproofing clothing, and using fly swatters or electronic insect killers.

It is important to note that the costs of the dengue vaccination are usually borne by the individual, which can be a disadvantage for some travelers. Additionally, the vaccination is not usually carried out by general practitioners, but there are specialist travel and tropical medicine centers and some pharmacies that offer this vaccination. It is advisable to find out about availability and costs in advance.

In conclusion, the dengue vaccination provides a way to reduce the risk of infection during a Cuba vacation and helps ensure the health and safety of travelers. However, it is still important to follow the recommended protective measures to avoid infection. With the rising cases of dengue fever, it is crucial for travelers to stay informed and take necessary precautions to enjoy their Cuban vacation safely.]
#Safe #Cuba #vacation #dengue #vaccination #CUBA #CUSTOMER

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