They recommend an annual mammogram to have an early diagnosis

by time news

2023-10-07 06:30:17

October is the month in which the original campaigns are activated. But not those of presidential candidates, but those dedicated to raising awareness about a central pathology of women’s health: breast cancer. This is the most common type of cancer in women and almost sixty new cases are diagnosed every day in Argentina.

According to the figures of the National Cancer Institute From the Ministry of Health, 22,024 patients were registered in 2020: 16.8% of all new cases and clearly the first in women. Furthermore, our country is the second in Latin America with the highest mortality rate from this cancer and fifteen people die every day from this. This worrying situation coexists with a promise that is much more concrete and effective than those offered by political campaigns: today medicine has very effective studies to detect it early and treat it in time, with excellent prospects for cure.

Why cancer still
can’t it be cured?

“It is estimated that one in eight women will have this type of cancer. But the important thing is that if the studies indicated by the gynecologist are carried out and an early diagnosis is achieved, the prospects of the treatments being less bloody and invasive and of achieving a cure are very good,” he explained to PROFILE the doctor Javier Stigliano, Head of Breast Pathology at the Posadas National Hospital. And the consultant on these issues at the Santa Isabel Clinic added: “the statistics from professional associations show that today we cannot prevent it, but yes treat it in time. For this reason, both the annual mammogram – done correctly and with the appropriate equipment – ​​plus the periodic self-examination that each woman must do monthly, starting at age 20, can define her future health perspective.” In fact, experts recommend that the gynecologist teach when and how to do the self-examination from the first visit she makes to the gynecologist and – over the years – have periodic gynecological check-ups.

How to find it in time? The main prevention recommendation is to have a annual mammogram, preferably in a medical center that offers modern and adequate equipment. From what age? “The guidelines recommend starting at age 40, if there is no family history. If there are any, sooner,” explained Stigliano. According to the recommendations of specialized NGOs such as Sort of o Avon Foundation, “among patients who have background “In first-degree relatives (mother, sister), the recommendation is to have the first test 10 years before the age at which the close relative was detected.”

It is clear that, taken in time, it is usually curable. “If we identify a breast nodule that measures less than two centimeters and is not of a particularly aggressive type, intervention in a timely manner allows us to have a successful diagnosis in 98% of cases.” five year survival“Stigliano explained. Regardless of how it “sounds”, the truth is that this is an excellent perspective. Furthermore, because it is early, the “curative” surgery will be smaller, even outpatient, and the patient may not require rays or chemo.

What are the signs of cancer according to British medicine?

Around breast cancer there are usually several myths that Stigliano takes care of demolish: Does a mammogram hurt? Yes, but less and less. “In addition, it lasts one minute, once a year, and that can save your life.” Why do it if I have no family history? “70% of these diagnoses have no family history,” responds the expert.

Stigliano concluded by recalling that “the central message is there is no need to be scared or paralyzed since it is a type of cancer that we cannot ‘avoid’, although we can reduce some risk factors by adopting healthy habits. But what is within everyone’s reach is to find it in time and turn it into an anecdote”.

After mammogram

In 2014, a team of Argentine scientists –Adriana De Siervi and Marina Simian– thought it was possible to use small molecules, known as microRNAs, which are normally in the cytoplasm of cells and also circulate in body fluids (blood) to diagnose diseases. The Conicet researchers verified that the existence of a certain proportion and combination of some of these molecules correlates with the presence of tumor tissue in the breast. In other words, by searching for a certain biochemical combination it is possible to determine the presence of a breast tumor in a very earlyeven before it is detectable in a mammogram, which eventually allows better control or earlier treatment. This test of the future – which they are already finishing developing – will possibly allow us to leave behind the motto “mammograms for all” and will only be done in those who the test suggests it. This option is already being tested, for now in form experimentalin several local clinics.


* It is the one with the highest incidence in women, with a rate of 73 cases per 100 thousand.
* Breast cancer is the 1st cause of death from cancer in Argentine women.
* More than 75% of cases have no family history of said disease.
* Only 1% of breast cancers occur in men.
* After a diagnosis, various NGOs offer support and support groups in

#recommend #annual #mammogram #early #diagnosis

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