Argentina: What kind of State is needed?

by time news

2023-10-07 18:28:36

The failure of Kirchnerist Peronism, which exposed the lies of the “Present State”, and the lack of a true revolutionary left alternative, echoed Javier Milei’s proposals, which are taken up even by workers and youth sectors. But what is the truth about the State and its administrators?

By PSTU – Argentina

The onslaught of adjustment and inflation hit the idea of ​​the State promoting development, social rights and harmony between bosses and workers – supported by Kirchnerists and their allies – and opened the way to Milei’s criticism.

With the proposition that the State impoverishes society with its taxes, with which it finances public services (health, education, etc.), which should be provided by companies, and maintains a “caste” of politicians, the ultraliberal maintains that Such public services must be dismantled to generate prosperity.

In other words, Milei simply takes the ideas of governments like Menem or Macri a little further. But despite this, his argument that politicians (and the State) parasitize both businessmen and workers, resonates deeply among large sectors of working people.

The power of the ruling class

But the reality is that Argentine society, like all those in the world, is a capitalist society, and therefore is divided into classes. Between those of us who generate the wealth of society with our work (the working class), and those who appropriate and hoard that wealth (the businessmen or bourgeoisie), in addition to broad popular sectors that provide various services or scavenge it as they can.

And the disproportionate accumulation of wealth by the bourgeoisie – the source of all social conflicts – is possible because the State, its laws and especially its military and police forces exist purely and exclusively for that: so that the rich and powerful remain rich and powerful, and accumulate as much wealth and power as you can… by whatever means necessary. The fact that there are governments that are kinder to workers and the people does not alter this reality.

Thus, the “political caste” is not the only one that parasitizes society, but rather it serves the true parasites: the bosses, the bourgeoisie. For this, the “political caste” that administers the State has the support of other “castes” not denounced by Milei: the military and police officers, the judges, the high officials, the churches, etc.

Hence the fact that Milei proposes “shrinking” the entire State, except the armed forces, the Justice, all the direct tools of the ruling class to guarantee its control. Not for nothing is Victoria Villarruel her candidate for vice president.

Also read | Argentina: Why is the anger going to the right?

Voting limits

This does not mean that the State is impervious to worker and popular resistance, or that social and civil rights do not serve us: contrary to what Milei says, the rights achieved (such as labor laws) are great achievements that must be defended.

The problem is that under bosses’ rule not only can we not go further, but, as their decline progresses, the political order will try to take away those rights from us. The “Present State” defended by Peronism-Kirchnerism are nothing more than crumbs compared to the profits of the capitalists, to “calm the waters” in moments of tension or to keep workers and popular sectors under control. Furthermore, in situations of deep economic crisis like the one we are experiencing, these measures quickly end up becoming insufficient, if they were not originally insufficient.

It must be made clear that the “democracy” of the rich is nothing more than the friendly face of capitalist rule. And no matter how useful it may be to have a handful of legislators who denounce the bosses’ order in their bodies of power, we cannot free ourselves from the tyranny of capital by voting: the Constitution and its institutions, we insist, only exist to guarantee that the bourgeoisie has power.

Our proposal to change the country

Therefore, the underlying problem is not eliminating ministries or strengthening them. To change the country, it is necessary to establish a workers’ and popular government that replaces the three powers of the State with an assembly of representatives elected in each place of work, study and native community – expressly excluding businessmen, landowners, former high officials and repressors. and concentrate executive, legislative and judicial functions. An assembly in which each representative carries a mandate from the base assembly that elected him, and is responsible to it, and may be revoked at any time. An assembly whose representatives earn the same as a qualified worker.

Of course, such a Government can only be imposed through the struggle of workers’ and popular organizations, facing repression with self-defense and dragging into the fight or pushing to neutrality those in uniform who do not want to face the people in the street. A new Argentinazo that goes much further than the heroic days of December 19 and 20, 2001, a revolution of the working people with the working class on the front line. A feat like the one that freed us from the domination of the Spanish. This time for a Second and Definitive Independence, which kicks out the multinationals and the IMF. And put the main levers of the economy under the control of workers.

Also read | Argentina: Towards the 36th Plurinational Meeting of Women and Diversities

The organization that is needed

The current worker and popular leaders, domesticated by bosses’ democracy, are incapable of leading the working people along that route. It is necessary to build a new leadership, whose objective is to fight for this revolution, and is made up of the best fighters. From the PSTU we are at the service of that construction; and we call on workers who agree with us to join this task.

Taken from September 20, 2023

#Argentina #kind #State #needed

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