MinEducación sets the first increase in 2024

by time news

2023-10-08 07:27:55

The Ministry of National Education established, through Resolution 17821 of September 30, 2022, the increases applicable to the tuition and pension rates of private preschool, basic and secondary educational establishments in the country that will be applied in the school year. 2024.

Through this regulation, the maximum limits for increases in monthly enrollment and pensions that non-official educational establishments may apply to provide the service for the next year were set.

As established by the Educational portfolio, the increase base will be set according to the annualized Consumer Price Index (CPI) as of August 2023, issued by Dane, which was located at 11.43%.

“From there, each educational establishment will be able to access additional fixed percentage points, according to several criteria,” explained the MinEducación in a press release.

One of the criteria is associated with the so-called classification by institutional self-assessment, defined by the regime in which the educational establishment is located (regulated by quality certification, regulated by self-assessment, supervised by self-assessment or controlled regime).

Another criterion is the permanence index, linked to inter-annual and intra-annual permanence rates, and promotion of establishments, so they can be located in the high, medium or low ranges.

Additionally, private educational establishments will be able to access additional scores for implementing inclusive education strategies in accordance with Decree 1421 of 2017 that report enrollment in the Student Enrollment System (Simat) with students with disabilities, thereby may increase up to 0.25%.

Likewise, by salary equalization agreement with Fecode of 2023, schools that certify that in the previous year at least 80% of their teachers were paid in accordance with the teaching scale of Decree 2277/79 may increase up to one percentage point additional in educational costs by 2024.

According to this, the increases in educational costs for private schools in 2024 will range between 11.59% for a school located in a Controlled Regime and with a low permanence rate and to which additional points for education do not apply. inclusive and salary level agreement; up to 13.98%, for a school located in Regulation by Quality Certification, high permanence rate, inclusive education and salary leveling with Fecode.


The Ministry of Education also clarified that the Certified Territorial Entities will be the ones that will issue the administrative acts to set the rate increase for 2024 before they begin their enrollment process, clearly specifying the regime in which the educational establishment is located.

On the other hand, the Boards of Directors, a part of the school government, in which parents participate, who are aware of the economic reality of families, may decide to make increases lower than the limit set by the Ministry of Education.

Additionally, Resolution 17821 also establishes that private schools may not engage in restrictive practices when requesting educational materials, requiring the acquisition of supplies, texts or uniforms of specific brands or preventing the concurrence of multiple suppliers; and that the lists of school supplies must be made known well in advance.

On the other hand, this weekend in its inflation report for September, Dane specified that the annual CPI for education stood at 11.25%, pressured mainly by greater variations in the costs of secondary education. Only for September the CPI was 1.79%, given the start of activities in calendar B establishments.

The Ministry of Education indicated that the concerns and irregularities detected by parents or guardians regarding educational materials and the increase in rates above those allowed in this resolution must be brought to the attention of the Ministry of Education of their jurisdiction through the communication channels. attention arranged by them for this purpose.

Likewise, the Ministry of Education has the national toll-free line: 01 – 8000 – 910122 or line 2222800. In addition, you can send your concerns in the Citizen Service system to the email [email protected].

#MinEducación #sets #increase

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