Former President Uribe questions decision not to preclude his process

by time news

2023-10-08 20:06:51

From Manrique, in Medellín, former president and former senator Álvaro Uribe expressed his disagreement after the decision of the Bogotá Court not to preclude the case against him for alleged procedural fraud and bribery of witnesses.

With an agenda in hand from which he read his arguments, the leader of the Democratic Center assured that “there is no way to disprove that I always asked for the truth,” because, in his opinion, “there is not a single element of proof in the sense of that in some cases it was my initiative. “I never took the initiative, I always sought to verify that injustice against me.”

Read here: “Our politics preferred demobilization”: Uribe to Petro for false positives

In that sense, he said that he had always asked to verify information since 2011, “information about visits to prisoners who were offered benefits to testify against me, many of them by Senator (Iván) Cepeda.”

Likewise, he emphasized that all the statements that the former president sent to the Court were “without selectivity, it is not that I had kept some and sent others.”

“They were all sent to the court in the form in which they were collected, whether they were handwritten, videos, audios, whether favorable or unfavorable. “All of them were sent to the Court so that the Supreme Court, as the competent body, could verify them.”

And the thing is that the Superior Court of Bogotá decided on Friday not to preclude the investigation being carried out against the former president, who the day before had advanced that corporation’s decision to deny the preclusion and, therefore, that the Prosecutor’s Office will continue investigating to decide if calls him to trial.

Continue reading: “Now it appears that I am the thief of Medellín”: Álvaro Uribe’s harsh response to Daniel Quintero

Magistrate Carlos Andrés Guzmán announced that the crime of bribery in criminal proceedings will not preclude him and as for the crime of procedural fraud (misleading justice), the magistrate also indicated that the former president must continue in the process.

The former president also said, in a vehement tone, that “I cannot accept that the Court had said that it was to deceive the Court and that what is proven continues to be questioned, that I sent all, all the statements as a sign of good faith.” for them to investigate.”

In his statement, Uribe also referred to several names related to the case, such as that of the convicted former paramilitary Juan Guillermo Monsalve, the former prosecutor Hilda Niño, the representative Hernán Cadavid and the former congressman and current magistrate of the National Electoral Council (CNE) Álvaro Hernán Prada . Regarding each of them, he warned that there is no evidence, according to him, that would provide clues about alleged illegalities on his part.

The former president took the opportunity to announce that, as well as the campaign he has been carrying out to support the candidates endorsed by his party, he will go to “all the Colombian cities he can to hold a debate on this matter.” In addition, he announced that he will request spaces at universities to “debate with students and professors about my case.”

“I have asserted my right to defend my reputation and they have abused that right to annul my electoral rights, to try to annul my freedom and make me end my years in prison,” Uribe concluded in response to the third refusal of justice to preclude his case.

#President #Uribe #questions #decision #preclude #process

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