“The independentists would like us Aragonese to be second-class Spaniards and we are not going to accept it”

by time news

2023-10-08 12:33:12

The president of the PP-Aragón and head of the regional Executive, Jorge Azcón, has warned that the Catalan independentists would like us Aragonese “to be second-class Spaniards” and “we are not willing to accept it.”

This is how Jorge Azcón expressed himself this Sunday, October 8, in Barcelona, ​​where he went to participate in the demonstration of the Catalan Civil Society (SCC) against the amnesty and self-determination, together with the popular leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the presidents of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso; from the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno; and from the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras; the leader of the PP in Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez; the leader of the Catalan PP, Alejandro Fernández, and the general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra.

In statements to the media before joining the march, Azcón lamented that “there are those who want there to be first-class and second-class Spaniards” and if there is an instrument that represents that “two-speed Spain” it is the amnesty.

“The amnesty represents breaking with the rule of law, with the separation of powers, not respecting the State Security Forces and Corps and, above all, inequality,” he listed.

Jorge Azcón has criticized that the PSOE candidate for the Presidency of the Government of Spain and current acting head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, aspires to revalidate the position “having to pay too high a price, generating inequality among Spaniards.” “We cannot allow it,” he said.

On the other hand, he has referred to the possible amnesty of the leaders of the ‘procés’: “It is evident that it goes against the waterline of our Constitution and democratic values.”

“In this demonstration we defend the equality of the Spaniards, and we Aragonese feel especially involved, because if the amnesty goes ahead and there are first-class and second-class Spaniards, the Catalan independence forces are going to want us Aragonese to be second-class and we won’t. “We are going to allow it,” he warned.

At this point, he has called on “to comply with the law”, because when on Thursdays they are sentenced “with all procedural guarantees” for breaking the law, “that sentence must be fulfilled. There is no alternative, the opposite is the jungle.” He has also ironically said: “In what mind does someone with common sense and good sense think that some criminals are going to have extraordinary benefits over others?”

The ‘popular’ leader in Aragon has expressed the opinion that “it is quite credible” that the steps that Pedro Sánchez is taking to make the amnesty a reality, with a view to his possible inauguration as President of the Government of Spain, are going to be completed.

“I am absolutely clear that Pedro Sánchez is going to pay whatever price is necessary thinking about him, not about the majority of Spaniards, and if the independentists have to pay with an amnesty to continue as president of the Government of Spain, despite everything “That’s going to break, it will do so without any problem,” he ventured.

Likewise, he has observed that “anyone with common sense distrusts Sánchez”, because “there are precedents”, such as his statements about sedition, about the new Constitution. In short, “make decisions thinking about him first, him second and him third.”

Finally, he emphasized that Aragón will do “everything possible” to avoid that “Spain at two speeds” that the independentists want. “If we have to go to the Constitutional Court, we will go there, because the Constitution is the basis for the peaceful coexistence of all,” he concluded.

#independentists #Aragonese #secondclass #Spaniards #accept

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