Discover the numbers of people with ostomies in Mexico

by time news

2023-10-07 17:00:41

Ostomies are a common procedure in daily hospital practice, since the surgical techniques They have advanced considerably and the health results of ostomized people are reflected in their survival. This provides much more complete figures and statistics for your study.

Knowing all the figures about this type of patients helps to understand the progress of this condition in the country, how many more optimized people there are, their age ranges and also their location. Below we offer you some of the most important figures about people with ostomies.

The majority of people with ostomies are men

Specifically, the 53% of ostomy patients are male and 47% are female. Regarding age ranges, the age groups in which ostomies occur most frequently are:

30% from 19 to 50 years old. 24% from 51 to 62 years old. 24% 63 years or older.

Regarding occupation, these are the main figures of ostomized people that have been found in Mexico:

0.8% are students. 24% carry out activities at home. 22% carry out professional activities. 31% carry out non-professional activities.

It is also important to determine the marital status of this type of patient:

51% are married. 33% are single. 11% are widowed. 0.3% live in a common law union. 0.2% are divorced.

35% of cases are related to oncological problems

The usual thing in Mexico is that, for people with ostomies, it is difficult to maintain a constant advice from medical staff, especially at the public service level. Regarding the most frequent diagnoses in adult patients of this type, oncological problems (cancer of the rectum, bladder and uterus, colon cancer) can be highlighted in 35% of cases. Inflammatory diseases such as diverticula, chronic ulcerative colitis and polyps also stand out (in 11%), abdominal trauma (8%) and complicated appendicitis (7%) also stand out.

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