Lukashenko once again let it slip: he knows that the majority is against him » News from Belarus – latest news for today

by time news

2023-10-08 09:40:19

Caricature: DW

No matter how often the leader of Belarus tries to convince others that he is still supported by the majority of the country’s population, even he himself from time to time lets slip about the real state of affairs.

The next incident occurred on Friday, October 5th. When communicating with the military and close propagandists, Alexander Lukashenko started talking about the upcoming elections to parliament and local councils in February 2024. Since after 2020 the elections instill fear in politicians, the leader of the country said (this entire statement with its ugly meaning appeared only on the air of one state television channel):

“Let them not even expect to rock Belarus. We will not allow this, including because you exist. And I am personally responsible for you. This is the biggest burden for me – it’s you. I mean those supporters who bet on the president. Including security forces. I am responsible for you, you are my children. Therefore, I and all of us will not allow anyone to rock the country. This is our country.”

It is noteworthy that in his statement Lukashenko openly admitted that he was not trying for the people, not for the majority of citizens, but only for his supporters, including security officials, as well as officials and propagandists.

On October 5, the leader of Belarus also hinted at the ongoing repressions in the country, recalling the protests of 2020:

“They shouted when we had a maximum of 40 thousand gathered in Minsk, 10 thousand arrived from Brest, gathered at the peak, ah-ah-ah, and they promoted it all on the Internet. About a million people – a march of millions. Of course, I’m not a vindictive person, but now you try.”

However, this is not the first bout of frankness from a politician. UDF recalls previous cases when Lukashenko let slip the real state of affairs.

“You little asshole, get out of here.”

At the beginning of 2021, during a speech at the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly, Lukashenko was in such a bad emotional state that he openly spoke about examples of negative attitudes in society towards his supporters.

“A civil servant, a man in uniform, comes to such private medical clinics – almost all the time: you, “you little bastard,” get out of here, I won’t treat you!” said the head of the country.

Another example from Lukashenko:

“I won’t say her name. She ran to the manager in tears. He reported to me immediately. During these acute periods, the child is led to kindergarten: oh, you are there for the current government – get out of kindergarten with your child.”

And another example from private business:

“I won’t name the company – we’re just cutting it out now… “Take Belarusian goods, food” – “Are you “bastards”, Belarusian? Go away!”.

Moreover, Lukashenko admitted that his supporters are few even among officials. He talked about a pensioner who went to the district executive committee in Belynichi.

“And he (the pensioner) says, listen, the president needs to say this, here, he says, in the district executive committee… I’m not saying that this is so, I’m just quoting to you the phrases, statements this person said. He didn’t understand that there was a person standing next to him who would report this to me tomorrow. And he says with all his heart: so, he says, half of them are secrecy guys, and half of them hide their eyes at the table when they start talking about state issues,” Lukashenko said.

“No one should be allowed to go down, who is to blame, who is a traitor, who is simply not our person”

At the end of 2021, Lukashenko, with his usual confusion and inconsistency, nevertheless admitted the fact of political repression in the country.

“You see, someone signed up for someone else (for nominating alternative presidential candidates – UDF): “Let’s grab him, drag him…” We need to see, especially people in the state apparatus. We still won’t see everyone. There were thousands of them who signed up for the “alternatives,” so what?.. Therefore, we must see all these signatories, especially if they work somewhere “above”, in the vertical of power… No one should be allowed to descend, who is to blame, who a traitor who is simply not our man. But I emphasize once again: this is painstaking, calm work of special government bodies,” Lukashenko told officials.

Despite his attempts to shift responsibility for the repression to others, naturally, the flywheel was personally pumped by the leader of the country.

“And there in Russia they have not yet started work like we are cleaning up now. Somewhere he blathered – look, it’s 2020, checked, come here.”

In the summer of this year, Lukashenko was struck by a new, unusual attack of frankness and recognition of the real state of affairs. This happened against the backdrop of the rebellion of the Wagner PMC, when the leader of Belarus thought that the laurels of a hero who had managed to start a conflict had fallen on him.

“In Russia, there are a lot of people sitting under the plinth in society. And there they have not yet launched work against them, as we are now cleaning up. Somewhere he blathered – look, it’s 2020, checked, come here. This doesn’t exist there yet,” Lukashenko acknowledged the high level of repression in Belarus.

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