Quick and Easy Home Exercises to Stay Trim During the Holiday Season

by time news

Get Fit for the Holidays with These Five Home Exercises, Says Physiotherapist

With Christmas just around the corner, many people are concerned about the impact the holiday season will have on their waistlines and overall health. To help address these concerns, Newsweek spoke with Kieran Sheridan, a board-certified physiotherapist with expertise in weight loss techniques and fitness hacks. Sheridan shared five quick and easy exercises that people can do at home to stay fit and trim even after indulging in copious amounts of canapés and glasses of wine.

First on Sheridan’s list is the “Left Lift,” a leg lift exercise that can be done lying down on the ground. With legs stretched out and hands resting on the side, bend the knees so that the feet are flat. Then, straighten the legs and lift them straight up towards the ceiling, bringing them back down to the floor. This exercise can be repeated for five to ten minutes.

Next up is the “Toe Touch,” which involves standing up and can be effective for burning belly fat. Stand straight with feet together and a straight spine. Inhale, then raise the arms and bend down to touch the toes as you exhale. Hold the pose for a few seconds and repeat three times.

Sheridan also recommends the “Standing Leg Lift,” an easy ab workout that targets the tummy. Start by standing straight with hands on the waist or using a wall or chair for support. Raise the right leg forward, keeping it at the same level as the abdomen, hold for one second, and then lower the leg. Repeat on the left leg and do the movement ten times for three sets.

For those looking to shed belly fat, the “Bicycle Crunch” is a great exercise option. Lie flat on the floor or on an exercise mat with lower back on the ground, knees bent, and feet on the floor. Place hands behind the head, gently hold the head, and pull the shoulder blades back. Slowly raise the knees to a 90-degree angle, lifting the feet from the floor. Perform a bicycle pedal motion, bringing one knee up towards the armpit while straightening the other leg. Rotate the torso so that the elbow and opposite knee meet, then twist to the other side, bringing the knee towards the armpit and extending the other leg until the elbow touches the opposite knee.

Lastly, the “Squat Thrust” is a burpee-like movement that increases intensity while working on agility and endurance. Start by standing with feet hip-width apart before squatting on the floor or a yoga mat. Place both hands on the ground in front of you, then jump the feet out behind you to a pushup position. Jump back to the starting position and continue jumping the feet out and in. This exercise can be done in three sets for about a minute each.

These five exercises provide a variety of options for people to stay active and maintain their fitness levels during the holiday season. Whether it’s the Left Lift, Toe Touch, Standing Leg Lift, Bicycle Crunch, or Squat Thrust, there are exercises suitable for everyone to help offset the indulgences of the festive period.

If you have health concerns or questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We can consult experts for advice, and your story could be featured in Newsweek.

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