The Government processes pardons for those convicted of the ‘ERE case’ despite not being able to grant them while in office | Spain

by time news

2023-10-09 15:27:32

The Government is processing the pardons requested by those convicted in the ERE case, despite the fact that being in office the law prevents it from granting this measure of grace. The Ministry of Justice has asked the Court of Seville to issue reports on the situation of those convicted of this fraud, mandatory for the eventual granting of forgiveness. according to the newspaper Abc. Nine former socialist officials of the Junta de Andalucía, including former president José Antonio Griñán, requested a pardon a year ago. The granting of the measure of grace varies in its duration and that of those convicted by the process took a year and a half, for example.

The head of Justice, Pilar Llop, highlighted this Monday that her ministry processes pardons “in the same way as everyone else.” “When the Government is in office, pardons cannot be granted, but they are processed just like everyone else, and these are in the processing phase like any other,” she said. The nine sentenced by the Supreme Court to sentences of embezzlement and prevarication asked the Government for clemency a year ago and the Executive has now moved to have the first court that convicted them and the accusations rule on the measure of grace: Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, PP and Junta de Andalucía.

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In September, the Constitutional Court rejected the request of six convicts in the Andalusian ERE case to suspend the prison sentences imposed on them while the merits of their appeal for protection against the Supreme Court’s conviction are being studied.

The First Section of the Seville Court, which was the one that imposed the sentences for this case in November 2019, has already opened files for each case, thereby responding to a communication from Justice in which it is reported that the Pardons are being processed. In addition to Griñán (whose entry into prison was suspended due to being treated for cancer), former councilors Francisco Vallejo, Carmen Martínez, José Antonio Viera, Antonio Fernández, vice councilors Agustín Barberá and Jesús María Rodríguez requested clemency; the former general director Juan Márquez and the former director of the Idea agency Miguel Ángel Serrano.

Thus, the Court has asked the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office to rule on the processing of pardons, through nine rulings, one for each of the applicants for the pardon. In the writings, issued on September 28, the Court asks the Board as a victim of the process to indicate “its agreement or disagreement with the granting of the pardon” and demands that the Prosecutor’s Office issue the mandatory report. In addition, Justice asks the magistrates to attach the sentence, the “criminal-historical” sheet of the convicted persons who have entered prison, the time they have already spent in prison and their conduct report as an inmate.

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The acting Minister of Justice has confirmed that the pardons continue on their way, “like all the others.” Pilar Llop, after inaugurating the seminar on Public Justice Service in Times of Change organized by the Ministry within the framework of the Permanent Module of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, added: “The pardons and in this case that of Griñán They are processed like everyone else, they have been given the same course as everyone else, now they are in the judicial phase and their ordinary processing will also continue.”

The final granting of the pardon does not seem a priori to be an easy decision for the Government if the investiture of Pedro Sánchez finally comes to fruition. The PSOE Code of Ethics prevents “supporting the pardon of charges convicted of corruption.” Article 8.1 of said regulations emphasizes: “Do not propose or support the pardon of public officials convicted of crimes linked to corruption.”

Pilar Llop, this morning at an event of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU in Madrid.FERNANDO VILLAR (EFE)

The spokesperson for Vox in the Andalusian Parliament, Manuel Gavira, has shown this Monday his rejection of a possible pardon for the former officials of the Board convicted in the case of the irregular ERE, stating that they have to serve ‘the entire sentence’ and ‘return every euro cent stolen’. Gavira made this statement on the social network upon conviction they continue to be paid. “They spend Andalusians’ money on prostitutes and drugs, they steal hundreds of millions of euros and the government of the autocrat (Pedro) Sánchez wants to free them from jail. “They are not ashamed nor do they know her!” Gavira indicated.

Of the convicts who have asked for clemency, only former President Griñán remains free because the coroner advised against it due to the prostate cancer he suffers from. The former general director of Labor Juan Márquez did not go to prison either, because the Court suspended him until the pardon was processed, to which the Sevillian judicial body agreed because his sentence was three years in prison.

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