12 Fascinating Rose Varieties and How to Keep Them Radiant

by time news

2023-10-09 20:00:58

Who doesn’t love a pretty bouquet of roses? Although there are more than a thousand types of them, they can be classified into 12 large groups that we show you here.

Last update: October 9, 2023

“Love is as fragrant as a bouquet of roses,” said the poet Juana de Ibarbourou, about the most popular and best-selling flower in the world. Often, we usually relate it with love and passion and, nowadays, there are many types of roses with different colors and shapes.

Did you know that there are more than 30,000 varieties of this flower registered in the world? The rose is one of the plants that, throughout history, has been subjected to more changes, with the intention of improving its appearance and perfume. Keep reading, because in this article we will discover what the main types of roses are and how to care for each one.

Types of roses

In gardening, these flowers They can be classified into three large groups according to their history: wild, ancient and modern roses. Be sure to read this article to find out which category your favorite belongs to!

Wild or wild roses

Among the types of roses, this is the primary one. These are flowers that grow in nature, without human intervention.. Usually, we find them on small bushes, whose stems are covered with very fine thorns.

1. Rose centifolia

It is also known as the hundred-petal rose., measures one to two meters and its stem is covered with thorns. It has medicinal (anti-inflammatory) and perfumery uses, as its flower produces an intense and sweet aroma.


Water it every two days. Prevents water from accumulating when watering. Avoid overexposure to the sun and in times of drought or heat, water it twice a day: in the morning and at night. 2. Thorny rose

As its name says, it is the thorniest among all types of roses. It is a low shrub, with white five-petal flowers..

It generally grows in stony areas and is not used as a decorative rose bush. However, in several parts of the world it is grown in homes for its medicinal (diuretic) properties.


Grows in semi-shade or full sun. It can grow in all soils, but prefers limestone. Avoid watering until it forms a puddle and do it only a couple of times a week. 3. Rosa chinensis

This rose is native to China (Hubei and Sichuan) and its bush measures around two meters. It has red or pink petals one to two centimeters in diameter and grows in thickets, in bunches of four to five.

Also It has a fruit called rose hip, which is usually used to make a syrup.. In Asian tradition it is used to make tea and as an ornamental plant.


Plant in fertile soil. This type of rose needs three to six hours of sun and a cool environment. Requires organic fertilizer once or twice a month, during the growth stage; and in flowering, once or twice a week. If you live in a cold region, you should water it every three to five days. In a hot area, check the soil moisture daily and water accordingly. 4. rugose rose

If you live in a cold climate and want to plant roses, this is ideal. It is the one that best adapts to low temperatures.

Native to East Asia (China, Japan, Korea and Siberia), Its flowers are dark pink or white, with a striking aroma. Although it has a stem covered with small thorns, it is used as an ornamental plant.


Water three to four times a week, in summer. You should plant it outdoors, in semi-shade or full sun. Prefers sandy soils. It is a coastal plant, as it has tolerance to salt, salt spray and coastal storms.

old roses

The classification of ancient roses is made up of all the varieties that existed before 1867, the year in which the first hybridization of tea emerged. Among the types of roses, the ancient They are characterized by being resistant and in an almost uniform shade: from white to light pink and crimson. These are the most popular antique roses.

5. Dawn rose

In gardening, the color of its all-white petals is distinctive. It is recognized as the best quality rose in the world, due to its durability to winter cold.. Its uses range from decoration (especially for weddings) to the production of perfumes.


Avoid splashing the leaves to prevent diseases. In dry periods you should water it every two or three days. Plant it in a pot with a type of soil that has good drainage and in a place where it receives full sun. 6. Rosa Bourbon

It is called this way because of its place of origin, the Bourbon Island (today Reunion Island). It blooms several times a year and is found in rose bushes grouped in three.

Its petals are many and very fragrant, which is why it is currently used mainly decoratively. A curiosity about this rose is that it is said to be a hybrid of the Chinese rose.


It needs between six and eight hours of sun. It requires constant watering and, in hot weather, even more. As it is a type of climbing rose, you must look for a suitable support: wall or fence. 7. Damask rose

Have you ever wondered where rose oil or rose water comes from? Well, it’s from this scented flower.

It only has one flowering period and Its petals have a color between pink and pale red. Plus, they are edible. Its stem is full of curved thorns and you can usually find it in groups.


Preferably, keep it in a place where it gets full sun. Avoid splashing the petals with water and allowing it to pool at the roots. Always keep the soil where it is planted moist and in periods of drought water it every 2 to 3 days. 8. Musk rose

It is called that because it produces a musk-like smell. It grows on bushes that reach three meters and its petals are white with fine points.

It is believed that its origin is in the Himalayas, but there are no precise records. It lives in warm climates with cool summers.


Light pruning is recommended. Due to its size, it is important that it has enough room to grow. It needs fertilizer, but it is preferable to place it after the winter or cold season to enhance its flowering.

Types of modern roses

They are those types of roses that They arise as a result of the intervention of botanists, scientists and gardeners in their development. The objective of modern roses was to improve the color, perfume and appearance of wild and old roses, to give them various uses. Among its most popular variants, we find the following.

9. Hybrid tea rose

This type of rose is very popular for garden decoration. and stands out for having a long flowering season. It was the first variation.

Its flowers are 10 to 12 centimeters long, with soft petals and a wide variety of colors. However, they are not fragrant.


It must receive full sunlight and quality fertilizer. Plant in fertile soil that remains moist for a long time. Avoid waterlogging and excess watering. A good frequency is every three days. 10. Floribunda roses

They are very colorful rose bushes, Therefore, among the different types of roses, they are widely accepted in the decorative field. They grow on small bushes, from 0.5 to one meter, and the flowers are compact.

There are fragrant varieties, but not all have this characteristic. In addition, they resist the cold very well.


Water three to four times a week. Avoid splashing the leaves to prevent diseases. You should make two fertilizers a year so that they grow healthy and vigorous: one at the beginning of winter or spring, and another at the beginning of summer. 11. Rosa grandiflora

As its name details, this is a large flower. It exists in several colors, but the most common are orange, purple, pink and red.

Its use is mainly decorative and is good in spaces that can be given a subtle fragrance. Although it is multi-flowering, it is very prone to diseases and insects.


It should receive at least six hours of sun. It must be planted in fertile soil, mixed with organic fertilizer. There needs to be good air circulation around the rose bushes to avoid fungi. Additionally, you must protect the roots from the cold. 12. Rosa polyantha

Las Polyanthas They resulted from the crossing between the rose Chinensis and the Multiflora. Its origin is not very well established, but it is believed that it may have emerged in East Asia or in Lyon (France). It is distinguished from the rest of roses by the size of its flowers (small), but with abundant clusters (between seven and 15)..

If you have wondered how to care for roses without so much effort, this specimen is perfect for you, as it is low maintenance:

It needs to be in full sun. Water two to three times a week. Avoid chemical fertilizers and opt for organic ones.

Different types of roses, different care

Definitely, Roses are one of the plants with the greatest variety, not only in species, but also in their colors, perfumes and uses.. Knowing the types of roses is key to knowing how to care for them optimally and ensure that they bloom vigorously and beautifully. We hope that this article has been useful to you to keep your roses more beautiful, resplendent and, with it, decorate your garden or living room.

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#Fascinating #Rose #Varieties #Radiant

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