State elections: In red and yellow – who were the moderators? | Entertainment

by time news

2023-10-10 08:52:00

Aren’t these bright colors a bit too much?

On Sunday evening, all of Germany looked at Bavaria and Hesse and their state elections. On ZDF and ARD, one live broadcast and projection followed the next.

But instead of relying on moderation heavyweights in this mini federal election, two rather unknown faces were seen on First German Television. But why?

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While Barbara Hahlweg (54) and Bettina Schausten (58) moderated the main programs on ZDF, political reporter Kerstin Palzer (55) and studio manager Ute Wellstein (54) could be seen on ARD.

For any political journalist, moderating an election program with all the politicians involved is an accolade. Many viewers were even more surprised by the look of these two presenters: bright blazers, casual hairstyles and simple make-up.

Bright red like the SPD: Ute Wellstein. The head of Wiesbaden’s HR studio hosted the special program on the state election from 5:40 p.m. on ARD in a red blazer together with her Bavarian colleague Christian Nitsche (52).

Journalist Ute Wellstein moderated an election program in bright red

Photo: ARD

Wellstein is usually seen on regional programs on Hessischer Rundfunk. This time on the big ARD stage. The look of the experienced journalist was all the more surprising. Some viewers noticed her seemingly unmade hairstyle and very subtle make-up. In addition, she appeared to have a slightly different tooth position compared to earlier pictures.

At 7:20 p.m. Kerstin Palzer (58) followed as presenter with the “Berliner Runde”. Shortly before the live broadcast, it was announced that Tina Hassel (59), head of the ARD capital studio, would be unable to host the special program due to illness.

ARD told BILD: “Kerstin Palzer joined the ‘Berliner Runde’ on October 8th as a high-profile journalist with many years of experience in federal political reporting. Tina Hassel is on the road to recovery and is expected to be back on the station next Sunday.”

Kerstin Palzer spiced up her yellow outfit with an expressive chain pendant

Photo: ARD

But with Palzer, in addition to her slight nervousness, her somewhat conspicuous look was also an issue. While her colleague Wellstein wore a bright red blazer, Palzer chose a yellow blazer to go with her open curly hairstyle and bright lipstick, as well as a large amulet that she had already worn on previous studio broadcasts.

BILD asks fashion expert and fashion show producer Tyrown Vincent (45). He was irritated by the signal colors.

That’s what the fashion expert says

“Wearing an SPD red blazer on an election broadcast is not very clever. It was cut great, but I would have thought twice about the color. Well, we’re talking about female journalists here, so it’s more than just the look that matters. But! It is clear that Ms. Palzer chose the mustard yellow top. I’m sure a style consultant once told her that a saffron tone would go well with her hair color. But what is this amulet-like pendant supposed to do? Is that the Nebra sky disk? She should have avoided that. Otherwise, I think they’re both solid.”

Tyrown Vincent has been organizing fashion shows for years, is a fashion expert and art connoisseur

Foto: Getty Images

Even though both shows were current live shows, the presenters had been decided for days. You have prepared the content very well. With a quick look at their visual professionalism, the two journalists could probably have conveyed an even more coherent image.

#State #elections #red #yellow #moderators #Entertainment

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