What can I do for mental health? Psychologists respond

by time news

2023-10-10 10:43:17

Contributing to improving and caring for mental health is the responsibility of the entire society and, therefore, of each of us. Psychologists offer us the keys so that each person participates with their actions to promote the right to enjoy this state of mental well-being.

Cover of the report of the Official College of Psychology of Madrid. Photo provided

He Official College of Psychology of Madrid has prepared the document “Psychology at the service of people’s mental health”, within the framework of World Mental Health Day, on October 10, in order to raise awareness and give greater visibility to this problem and put it in the spotlight. public and social agenda as an “incontestable, unavoidable and essential challenge”.

For José Antonio Luengo Latorre, dean of this professional association, it is the responsibility of psychologists to “promote psychological well-being, helping to alleviate the pain and suffering of many people and collaborating in the construction of a healthier and more understanding society,” states in the report on mental health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as: “A state of well-being in which the individual is aware of his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to to make a contribution to your community.”

Advice from psychologists to get involved in mental health

Given this panorama, each person can contribute to improving their own mental health and that of their environment. As?

Familiar surroundings: Talk to your family members, friends, and community about the importance of mental health. Awareness and information are key to eliminating stigma.

Self-care: Don’t forget to take care of your own mental health. Spend time doing activities that make you feel good about yourself.

Support: If someone you know is going through a difficult time, listen without judgment and offer your support. Sometimes just being there can make all the difference.

Set realistic goals: Don’t be too demanding of yourself, and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may be.

Healthy life style: Physical activity, a balanced diet and social relationships can improve our mood, we need to take care of ourselves comprehensively to improve our mental health. Illustration provided

When to ask a psychology professional for help?

“Asking for help from a psychologist is not a sign of weakness, but rather a courageous act of personal care and well-being,” the report highlights, citing some signs and situations that help us do so:

Persistent symptoms: If you experience emotional symptoms, uncomfortable thoughts or behaviors that persist for a prolonged period and affect your quality of life, such as anxiety, depression, constant fear, obsessive thoughts, among others.

Substance use: If you are struggling with alcohol, drug or other substance abuse, or if you suspect you may have an addiction problem.

Change in mood: If you notice a noticeable change in your behavior that interferes with your relationships, work, studies, or other important areas of your life.

Suicidal thoughts or self-harm: If you have thoughts of self-harm or suicide, it is crucial to seek help immediately. You can call one of the resources that appear in “help resources”, or go to a psychology professional.

Interpersonal difficulties: If you have recurring problems in your personal relationships, such as constant conflicts, difficulties establishing relationships or communication problems.

Uncontrollable stress: If you feel that the stress is overwhelming and you cannot handle it on your own, especially if it is affecting your physical or mental health.

Trauma, loss or unelaborated grief: If you have experienced significant trauma or suffered a major loss, such as the loss of a loved one or a traumatic event, and are having difficulty coping.

Detection of changes in diet, sleep, or academic or work performance: If you notice a drop in your performance at school or work, or if you find it difficult to concentrate and stay productive.

Need for personal growth: Sometimes people seek the attention of a psychologist not because they have a serious problem, but because they want to grow, improve their self-esteem, develop coping skills, or learn to manage stress more effectively.

Mental health in numbers

According to WHO data, 1 in 4 people has, has had and will have a mental health problem and it will be the main cause of disability in the world in 2023.

In Spain, more than two million Spaniards have suffered from depression and around 4 million suffer from anxiety disorders, and the consumption of anxiolytics tops the ranking in Europe: more than 2.5 million people consume psychotropic drugs daily.

50% of mental health problems in adults begin before the age of 14 and 75% before the age of 18, cites the report by psychologists from the Official College of Madrid.

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