UNE and the Ministry of Industry analyze the strategic role of standards in the climate and digital transition

by time news

2023-10-10 16:47:25

Within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Spanish Association for Standardization, UNEin collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourismhas organized today the Conference Standardization: Strategic instrument for the climate and digital transitionin which the key role that standards play in achieving these objectives has been highlighted.

At the event, experts from the business sectors, public administrations and international and European standardization organizations have agreed to present the standards as useful and reliable tools to reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change and establish a common language, with robust and agreed upon frameworks. to achieve digital transformation.

This conference has highlighted the contribution of standardization to achieving the priorities of the Spanish Presidency: reindustrializing the EU and guaranteeing its open strategic autonomy, advancing the ecological transition, promoting greater social and economic justice and strengthening European unity, in particular first two.

Francisco Antonio Blanco, Secretary General of Industry and SMEs of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, and Maive Rute, Deputy Director General of the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission, participated in the opening ceremony. For his part, the president of UNE, Alfredo Berges, and the general secretary of Telecommunications and Organization of Audiovisual Communication Services of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, Matías González, closed the event.

During his speech, the Secretary General of Industry and SMEs highlighted that “an agile and efficient standardization system allows the European Union to retain its influence and lead the development of global standards in areas such as hydrogen, batteries, chemicals, cybersecurity, etc. that allow European industry to implement the green and digital transitions while enhancing its competitiveness and resilience.”

The president of UNE, Alfredo Berges, has highlighted “the importance of standardization as an example of public-private collaboration that energizes and enhances the impact of public policies. The trust placed by public, European and national authorities in our activity is key to motivating the business community to continue investing in it, to successfully overcome the great challenges that lie ahead.”

Several panels were held throughout the day. The first, under the title “Standardization Policy for European Industry” has addressed the standardization system and its relationship with the promotion of the internal market, European leadership in the world and the generation of confidence for investors, from the point of view business.

For this, the general secretary of SBS (representing SMEunited), Maitane Olabarria, has participated; the general secretary of CEPYME, Luis Aribayos; the director of the Industry, Energy, Environment and Climate department of the CEOE, Cristina Rivero; the director of the Internal Market department of BUSINESSEUROPE, MartynasBarysas; and the head of the EIB Madrid Group office of the European Investment Bank, Fernando Torija.

In the second on the “Industrial transition towards a green and digital economy” the vision of European and international standardization organizations and their contribution to companies facing their challenges in the green and digital economy has been highlighted. In addition, he has had the point of view of the industry and companies.

The general director of the European standardization organizations CEN and CENELEC, Elena Santiago, participated in this panel; the general director of ETSI, Luis Jorge Romero; the general director of UNE and vice president of ISO, Javier García; and the secretary general and CEO of IEC, Philippe Metzger.

All of them have agreed to highlight the relevant contribution of standards to overcoming the climate crisis and the digital transition. On the one hand, standards are useful and reliable tools to reduce emissions, adapt to the effects of climate change and align adequate financing to achieve these objectives. Among the new standards that will contribute to stopping climate change, stands out Guidelines for net zero, an international standard developed by more than 1,200 organizations and people from 100 countries, including Spain. UNE led its global translation into Spanish. It will help companies around the world achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050. The Report Support of Normalization to the Ecological Transitioninfluences this key role of standards to promote the ecological transition.

On the other hand, standards are a pillar for the digital transformation of companies, establishing a common language and providing security and trust in products and services, through robust and consensual frameworks. This is what the UNE report reveals Support from Standardization to Digital Transformation.

An illustrative example is the international standard UNE-EN ISO/IEC 27001 that promotes cybersecurity and protects systems and information in public and private organizations.

Next, Industry representatives have given their point of view on how standards drive the green and digital transition, analyzing topics as important to companies as net zero emissions and clean technologies, as well as critical raw materials and product governance. data.

The general director of OFICEMEN, Aniceto Zaragoza, participated in the panel; the head of ISO Sustainability, Noelia García; the secretary of the AeH2, Miguel Antonio Peña; the director of the Industry and Environment Area of ​​ANFAC, Arancha García; the general director of the PREPA, Juan Virgilio Márquez; the director of BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER, Mateo Valero; STELLANTIS battery regulation expert, Gérald Crepeau; the IPCEI contact point of AMETIC, José María Insenser; the Director of Standardization at INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES AG, Uwe Rüddenklau; and the UCLM professor and founding partner in DQTEAM, Mario Gerardo Piattini.

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