Keir Starmer wants to make Labor the party of “hope”

by time news

2023-10-10 18:47:16

Renowned for his lack of enthusiasm and charisma, criticized for the absence of concrete proposals, the leader of the Labor opposition Keir Starmer presented a completely different face during his speech on Tuesday October 10 to members of the Labor Party gathered in Congress in Liverpool.

For him, Labor represents « lhope “ from the country. “Government can be a force for good,” he assured to the loud applause of deputies and members and after being sprayed with black confetti by an environmental activist on stage. “We are the healers, we are the builders. Let’s give people whatthey deserve: let’s turn our backs on the endless decline of the Tories with a decade of national renewal. » Before promising that “the United Kingdom will take back its future ».

NHS reform

On the menu of its “reforms” et « transformations »the health system, the NHS, will be reformed to offer two million medical appointments and 700,000 additional dental appointments per year to reduce patient waiting, while preventing disease, and in particular cancer – which has high death rates in the UK – will become a priority.

Labor laws will be strengthened and working conditions improved with the end of zero-hour contracts and an increase in the minimum wage. One and a half million new homes will have to be built during the five years of his first mandate, alongside new infrastructure, particularly roads.

Finally, “non-domiciled” status, which allows wealthy foreigners not to pay UK tax on their foreign income, will be abolished.

These concrete proposals aim to give substance to a hitherto very vague Labor message and to convince the British, whose standard of living has fallen since the Conservatives came to power in 2010 – in particular due to austerity measures. launched by David Cameron. Even if Labor enjoys a fifteen to twenty point lead over the Conservatives in the polls, it owes this above all to the revulsion caused by the conservative party in power.

Optimism and unity

These projects must also provide the stability and consistency demanded by investors and business bosses, angry after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision to cancel the high-speed train line between Birmingham and Manchester. “Starmer was convincing in his Monday morning meeting with businesses, testified one of them, wishing to remain anonymous. For the firstAndOnce again in my life, I think I will vote for his party and not for the Conservatives. »

The atmosphere in the Liverpool conference center contrasted with that of the Conservative Party conference, which was held last week in Manchester. Optimism and unity had replaced gloom and internal divisions. In the corridors, Labor MPs walked with smiles on their faces, confident steps and confident looks. There is no doubt: they are preparing to come to power during the general election scheduled for next year.

The alignment of the stars

Their confidence was reinforced by the Labor candidate’s spectacular victory last Thursday in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election in Scotland, where Labor rose from 34.5% to 58.6% of the vote. This result gives him a glimpse of the possibility of taking several dozen seats from a Scottish National Party (SNP) in turmoil. Keir Starmer also did not fail to highlight the alignment of the stars in favor of his family: “Scotland can pave the way for a Labor victory. » To see if the voters will agree with his arguments.

#Keir #Starmer #Labor #party #hope

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