World Mental Health Day 2022: Promoting Mental Health as a Universal Human Right

by time news

2023-10-10 19:20:20
World Mental Health Day: Promoting Mental Health as a Universal Right

Today, Tuesday (October 10th), the world commemorates World Mental Health Day under the slogan “Our Mental Health, Our Rights.” This year’s theme, “Mental Health is a Universal Human Rights,” highlights the importance of protecting and promoting mental health for all individuals.

The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasized the significance of this day, stating that it provides an opportunity for people and communities to enhance their knowledge, raise awareness, and take action in the pursuit of universal mental health rights.

According to WHO, approximately one in eight people globally lives with a mental health condition that affects their physical health, well-being, communication, and livelihoods. Notably, mental health issues are increasingly affecting adolescents and young people.

To maintain a healthy mental state, experts offer advice to individuals. Here are some helpful tips:

Learn how to understand and manage your feelings: Pay attention to your emotions without judgement or self-blame. Try to identify what triggers your feelings and explore why you may be experiencing them. Kind self-talk and expressing emotions through writing can also be beneficial.

Talk to someone you trust for support: Open up to a trusted person about your feelings and challenges. This act can provide comfort, change perspectives, and strengthen relationships, enabling each party to support one another.

Don’t use food to deal with difficult emotions: Avoid using food as a coping mechanism for negative emotions. Overeating can lead to further health complications. Instead, seek professional guidance to manage emotional eating.

Get more sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for overall well-being. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid screens, alcohol, and caffeine before bed, and exercise regularly to improve the quality of your sleep.

Keep moving: Physical activity contributes to both physical and mental health. Engage in activities like exercise, gardening, or cleaning to release “feel-good” hormones, reduce stress, improve body image, and enhance sleep quality.

Consume healthy food: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables positively impacts mental health. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks that provide temporary relief but ultimately leave you drained. Also, limit caffeine intake.

Consult a doctor: If you find yourself in extreme distress, experiencing persistent dark thoughts, or contemplating suicide, seek immediate medical assistance. Experts can provide appropriate treatment options and support.

World Mental Health Day serves as a reminder to prioritize mental well-being, advocate for universal mental health rights, and support individuals facing mental health challenges. By implementing these tips and promoting a safe and inclusive society, we can collectively work towards a mentally healthier world.

Source: World Health Organization + various websites]
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