SNCF, RATP, airlines, doctors… What disruptions should we expect?

by time news

2023-10-11 16:26:49

The inter-union organizes a day of strikes and demonstrations, in particular to demand wage increases, three days before the social conference on low wages.

«Against austerity, for salaries and gender equality.» More than four months after the last day of mobilization against pension reform, the inter-union is back on track next Friday, October 13, with a new day of strikes and demonstrations, under new slogans. The latter being dominated by the salary question, even though the mobilization will take place three days before the social conference on low wages promised by Emmanuel Macron.

«There is enormous anger in the country, because work allows less and less to live and therefore this is what we are going to denounce on October 13. We will strike and demonstrate to demand wage increases», indicated the general secretary of the CGT Sophie Binet on Wednesday October 4 on Franceinfo, also calling for “wage inequalities between women and men are finally disappearing“. The fight for asocially just ecological transition» is also cited among the slogans of the mobilization. “The challenge is to say: Friday October 13, to win salary increases, it is not the Euromillions that we must play, it is the “euro-demonstration” that we must participating is much safer», launched Sophie Binet on Sunday October 8 in the show “Political issues» on France Inter.

For her part, the boss of the CFDT, Marylise Léon, assured the end of August Monde that this day of strike and demonstrations – which is also part of a European framework – was in no way revenge against the executive after the lost fight against pension reform. “We are as combative as ever and determined to obtain improvements for workers’ rights, but we have no revenge to take on the government“, she said. In parallel with the demonstrations planned in dozens of cities – 200 are planned throughout the country, according to Sophie Binet – strikes could affect a number of sectors. SNCF, air transport, schools, doctors… Le Figaro takes stock of the disruptions to be expected.

Transport strike

On the rail, “traffic will be almost normal on SNCF Voyageurs high-speed trains», indicated the SNCF this Wednesday at Figarostressing that disruptions will nevertheless be “to be expected on certain regional Transilien and TER lines as well as on Intercity links“. Detailed forecastswill be communicated at 5 p.m. on the usual channels», Specified the railway company.

As a reminder, three of the main railway union organizations – the CGT-Cheminots, Sud-Rail and the CFDT-Cheminots – called, in a united leaflet, “all railway workers to go on strike and demonstrate on October 13», demanding wage increases and improved working conditions. Unsa-Ferroviaire subsequently joined this call.

In Île-de-France, the RATP announced this Wednesday that traffic will be “normal» on its network, despite the CGT-RATP’s call for mobilization. In a press release, the UNSA-RATP had also questioned the boss of the management Jean Castex, evoking the mobilization of October 13 without clearly specifying whether it called for participation. As for the SNCF, the details of the forecasts will be communicated a little later.

In the air too, disruptions are to be expected. At Paris-Orly airport, nearly 40% of flights will be canceled, according to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC). In question, the inter-professional strike relayed by an air traffic controllers union. The USAC-CGT has in fact filed a strike notice, but not the SNCTA (National Union of Air Traffic Controllers), the main union organization of the profession. Carriers were also called upon to reduce their flight schedules at Marseille-Provence by 20% and at Beauvais by 15%, the DGAC said in a press release, warning that the activity of air navigation centers en route, managing aircraft circulating in French skies would also be affected.

On the road, the Federal Route Union of the FGTE-CFDT union invites road hauliers to “support this event“. Actions, such as snail-like operations, cannot therefore be ruled out.

Health strike

Doctors, unaccustomed to vast social movements, nevertheless threaten a “Black Friday” . They chose the same date as the inter-union, October 13, to call a strike, demanding in particular an increase in the price of consultations. Twelve unions of liberal doctors and students displayed their “historical unit» during a press conference on Tuesday, a few days before the start of the movement. They spoke of closed offices, deprogramming and “emergency transfers» towards the public hospital. This doctors’ strikewill be renewable», Specified Philippe Cuq, president of the Bloc (surgeons’ union) and spokesperson for the inter-union.

Beyond just doctors, the entire healthcare world is affected by calls for strikes. The inter-union of the health and medico-social sectors (CGT Santé, FO Santé, SUD Santé Sociaux and UNSA Santé & Sociaux) has in fact filed a notice, “valid for all medical and non-medical personnel in establishments in the field of health and social action».

Strike in education

Beyond transport, strikes could affect other sectors. Like National Education, where teachers could go on strike. The call for mobilization was in any case relayed, among others, by the FSU-SNUipp, the leading union in nursery and elementary schools, and by the SNES-FSU, the majority union in middle and high schools. We will know more about the extent of the mobilization on Wednesday. School teachers are required to declare themselves strikers 48 hours before the start of the strike. However, this obligation does not concern middle and high school teachers.

Higher education could also be affected by the mobilization, since the inter-union of higher education and research published a press release calling for “staff and students to join massively in the various actions, rallies, demonstrations, walkouts and strikes organized during the European mobilization day of October 13».

Strike in the civil service

Apart from teachers, all public sector professions are affected by this day of strike. The public service unions have in fact joined this call for mobilization, publishing a joint press release to this effect, estimating “urgent that general measures be taken to increase remuneration of everyones”. Thus, school meals, after-school activities and nurseries could be disrupted, as could town halls or tax centers.


#SNCF #RATP #airlines #doctors #disruptions #expect

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