Skyrocketing prices, stagnant salaries

by time news

2023-10-12 08:36:45

The shopping basket of Lleida families has become more expensive by 14.1% in one year, variable mortgages have risen an average of 167 euros per month as the Euribor doubled to 4.150% and underlying inflation, which does not measure oil products, energy products or unprocessed foods, is close to 6% in twelve months. And everything indicates that these data will worsen in light of the tension in the Middle East and the ongoing war in Ukraine, which has translated into a global economic crisis. On the other hand, the salaries of Lleida residents have barely increased by 3.05% in September, a completely insufficient increase that does not prevent the loss of purchasing power. And the workers from Lleida continue to be those who earn the lowest salaries in Catalonia and have been losing purchasing power for three years. Added to this is the labor crisis in the countryside that has caused, in part, the drought in this fruit campaign that is about to end. Salaries in Lleida, already in 2021, barely improved by 2.16%, while the cost of living rose by 7.3% in the Lleida regions. And little or nothing has improved since then. With the latest data available, corresponding to the month of September, the increase is 3.05%. The leader of CCOO in Lleida, Cristina Rodríguez, believes that unions and companies must agree to fulfill the commitment to raise salaries by 10.5% because “it cannot be that workers are increasingly impoverished.” Housing continues to be a burden. The Euribor is already at 4.150%, double what it was a year ago, which means that a person who has contracted a variable mortgage of 150,000 euros for 30 years and must update it in September will have a payment increase of 167 euros per month. Rents have also set a new record, with €475 per month on average in the province. None of these figures invite optimism for the middle class, which is becoming less average every day. The thousands of people in the regions of Lleida who earn the interprofessional minimum wage are on the verge of poverty indicators. Therefore, it is time to rethink investments, priorities and budgets so as not to put at risk the state of well-being that has taken so many years to achieve. Catalan needs to improve What is obvious on the street is now confirmed with official data: sixth grade Primary and fourth year ESO students speak better in Spanish than in Catalan. This is reflected in the basic skills tests that, for the first time, have taken orality into account. The Catalan, in fact, has experienced the worst result in ten years. Some results that invite reflection

#Skyrocketing #prices #stagnant #salaries

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