Estonian educational institutions received a suspicious letter in Russian with a bomb threat

by time news

2023-10-12 09:11:16
Illustrative photo:

At around 2:30 a.m., many educational institutions received an email saying in Russian that an explosion would occur at the institution today at 10:40 a.m., DELFI writes.

School principal Ardu Ülle Passa read the letter in the morning, contacted the Alarm Center and handed the letter to the police. “The police gave the director the right to decide whether the school and kindergarten will open or not. Although I am almost sure that this is spam, the teachers and I have decided to close the Ardu kindergarten today,” she informed the parents in writing.

Passa made it clear to Delfi that he considered it wiser to overestimate the danger. She said that the letter was written in Russian, and the author was named as a Russian terrorist organization. She added that the letter came from a Gmail address and listed multiple institutions as recipients.

Police said the bomb threat in Russian was emailed to dozens of institutions across Estonia, including schools and kindergartens.

According to current police information, we are talking about a large-scale wave of spam.

“A few days ago, a similar wave of bomb threats took place in Latvia. According to the police, we are talking about a large-scale wave of spam, the purpose of which is to disrupt the work of institutions. The police are contacting the institutions that received the letter and are working to find out who sent the threatening letters,” said Heigo Reineck, Director of Operations of the Police and Border Guard Board.

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